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我们公司现在有调查官了?Our company now has an ombudsman ?

这时候,监察官也到来了。At this time, the Ombudsman has arrived.

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他还是韩国的行政监察官。He was a Standing Officer for Ombudsman of Korea.

司法特派员不受政治压力的影响。The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure.

这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

特派员发现苏乙后进行询问,苏乙称是熊医生救了他。Ombudsman found inquire after one hour, one is bear said doctors saved him.

马戎知道白大帅派赵特派员到玉屏来就是跟他自己作对的。W. connor know BaiDaShuai sent zhao ombudsman to jade screen to be with his foes.

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美国也在1967年地方报中设立了第一位新闻公评人。In 1967, the first news ombudsman was set up for local newspapers in United States.

公评人专责处理投诉案,并试著找出双方都同意的解决方案。An ombudsman is someone who handles complaints and attempts to find mutually satisfactory solutions.

不管怎样,财政监察专员服务机构将不会在诉讼开始时对任何案件作出判决。However, the Financial Ombudsman Service will not adjudicate on any cases where litigation has commenced.

此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般都管他叫“J。The official title of the person is 'Just it ombudsman ', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.

公安歧视西方全国人的事在官方档案中不估计加以记载,司法特派员只有派他的代表去核对事实才能了解真相。It were only possible for the Ombudsman to search the out by sending one of his representatives to check the facts.

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一个住在瑞典乡村的外国人写信给司法特派员,抱怨说他受到警察的虐待。A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police.

哈扎尔停止了绝食抗议,因为政府承诺将设立一位赋有权力的监察专员来打击腐败。That hunger strike was called off on the promise that the government would create a powerful ombudsman to fight graft.

管理局的特派员问了立群几句就走向隋玉,要求他伸出右手接受扫描。Administration of the ombudsman asked a group of a few words to SuiYu, for he stretched out his right hand to accept scans.

申诉专员公署发现过去五年,共有六千多宗多付高额津贴的个案,涉及二千一百万。The Ombudsman said it had discovered more than 6000 cases of overpayment in the past five years, amounting to 21-million dollars.

特派员发现沈子恩逃走后命锄奸队做出行动,还让人通知说沈子恩和表弟都叛变了。Ombudsman found Shen Zien escape life after eliminate traitors team action, also let a person told Shen Zien and cousin are defected.

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假如你们以为治理工作中有什么分歧适或不公平的地方,调查官是你第一个可以寻求帮助的人。If you believe there is anything inappropriate or unfair in the management practices, the ombudsman will be the first person you seek.

特派员对贺俊峰蒋公也有一个请求,如果找到军火的话蒋希望和孙传芳他们一样能够得到英国人的支持。Ombudsman to He Junfeng Jiang Gong also have one request, if find arms Chiang hope and sun as they can get the support of the British.

瑞典的议会监察专员制度是瑞典监督制度优越性的集中体现,是世界上最早建立的监察专员制度。Swedish Ombudsman system was a Swedish supervisory system penetrates the superiority of the world's oldest established Ombudsman system.