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他给我一个迂?的解释。He gave me a devious explanation.

她使用狡滑奸诈的手段获取权力。She used devious means to gain power.

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他用狡滑奸诈的方法获取那项利益。He used devious methods to gain the advantage.

把故事安排在屠场,是别有用心的。To set the film in an abattoir is itself devious.

或将您使用他们自己的歪理邪说优势?Or will you use them to your own devious advantage?

他不正直的天性表现在小谎话及细小的不诚实行为中。His devious nature was shown in half lies and small dishonesties.

我不为了避免大街上的人群而采取一个迂?的路线回家。We took the devious route home to avoid the crowds in the main roads.

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我不明白为甚麽神领我行走这样曲折的道路。I do not understand the devious paths by which the Lord is leading me.

第二季时,狡猾的商业区律师索尔回来了。By episode 2, there's the return of the devious strip-mall lawyer Saul.

雅文战役几个月后,维德设计了一个狡猾的阴谋以期抓住卢克。Months after the Battle of Yavin, Vader devised a devious scheme to capture Luke.

神秘的魔性装置冒着气泡,不知道他们在做什么?Mysterious and devious looking equipment bubbling . I wonder what they are making?

什麽是诈骗、标号系统和贸易的其他迂迴工具?What are the swindles , the marking systems, and other devious tools of the trade?

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司机证实了伯德桑形迹诡秘地出入过壳克洛科大街一百一十七号。The driver confirmed Birdsong's devious journey to the house at 117 Crocker Street.

我偷笑着蹑手蹑脚走回我的房间,我想这下教训了她。I walked slowly into my bedroom with a devious smile, thinking, that will teach her.

行动正直的,敬畏耶和华,行事乖僻的,却藐视他。Those who talk uprightly fear the Lord, but one who is devious in conduct despises him.

找到一个破坏这种小包的药,我们会彻底杀死这些寄生虫。Find a drug that breaks that bundle, and we could destroy these parasites’ devious plans.

误入歧途的文科随后利用雷梅特的天真获得了萨戈罗的议会密码。The devious Venco then used Reymet's naïveté to get his hands on Sagoro's Senate access code.

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如果找到一种可以打破这个捆束的药物,我们就可以破坏寄生虫的如意算盘咯。Find a drug that breaks that bundle packet, and we could destroy these parasites’ devious plans.

如果找到一种可以打破这个捆束的药物,我们就可以破坏寄生虫的如意算盘咯。Find a drug that breaks that bundle packet, and we could destroy these parasites’ devious plans.

是朝令夕改的北京政府像往常一样在修正数据吗?Has the devious Beijing government been massaging the numbers, as communist planners are wont to do?