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你把它和碱液混合。You mix it with lye.

之后泰勒倒出碱液。And Tyler pours the lye.

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碱液是从木炭中滤取的。Lye is leached from wood ashes.

碱能够造成严重的烧伤。Lyes Lye can cause serious burns.

木炭被滤过以提取碱液。Wood ashes are leached to extract lye.

并且不要在铝制的容器内存放碱液。And do not store lyes lye in containers made of aluminum.

太空猴们用碱液把自己的指纹全处理掉了。The space monkeys are using lye to burn off their fingerprints.

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在莲子中加入碱水,混合均匀放置20分钟。Add lye water into lotus seeds, mix wellleave aside for 20 minutes.

用水冲洗掉杂质和多余的碱液。Wash the remainder with water to remove impurities and surplus lye.

你务必非常留意,因为碱液会腐蚀皮肤。You need to be very careful, because the lye is harmful to the skin.

首先将这些碎的边角料用强碱水煮几个小时。First the wool shearings are boiled up in a strong lye for some hours.

在莲子中加入碱水,混合均匀放置20分钟。Add lye water into lotus seeds, mix well and leave aside for 20 minutes.

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更广义地说,碱液是任何一种强碱溶液或固体,诸如氢氧化钠或氢氧化钾。You scrub yourself with that strong lye soap before I scrubs you myself.

她警告说接触碱水会有被它烧伤皮肤的危险。She warns that working with lye can be dangerous because it burns the skin.

碱液可以在出售清洁剂的市场或商店买到。Lye can be found at markets or and other stores that sell cleaning products.

碱液也叫做氢氧化钠或者氢氧化钾。Lye -- spelled l-y-e -- is also called sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.

完全皂化的肥皂只含有皂,没有多余的碱和油脂。A fully saponified soap contains only soap-no excess lye and no excess fats and oils.

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泰勒把碱液罐子拿起来,停留在我手背闪闪发光的吻痕上的一英尺处。Tyler tilts the can of lye an inch above the shining wet kiss on the back of my hand.

Longacre说碱液和脂肪分子会发生反应,经过化学变化转化成肥皂和甘油。Diane Longacre says the lye and oil molecules combine and chemically change into soap and glycerin.

而其他的物质,比如装载含酸性物质的油罐,或者苛性碱液的罐子则被标注为“有毒”,得到了相应的处理。Others such as tankers of acid or jars of caustic lye are labeled as poisons and treated accordingly.