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克洛伊洛厄一个纯感性的表现。A pure sentimental performance from Chloe Lowery.

罗威瑞说,“我和我丈夫想通过做一些事,好使我们离开这间屋子”。"My husband and I wanted to do something to get out of the house, " Lowery said.

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“我痛恨自己”进行了坦白,罗维利先生在最近的一次接受采访的时候说。“I beat myself up a lot” about having confessed, Mr. Lowery said in a recent interview.

密苏里州堪萨斯城——艾迪·罗维利为一项他没有犯过的罪行付出了生命中的十年。KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Eddie Lowery lost 10 years of his life for a crime he did not commit.

然后是另一系列的“蝙蝠侠与罗宾”也于1949年由哥伦比亚,罗伯特洛维利。Luego vino otra serie llamada "Batman y Robin" en 1949 tambien por Columbia, con Robert Lowery.

那天晚上在休格雷李奥纳德拳击中心有36名妇女和女孩进行拳击比赛,罗威瑞就是其中的一位。Lowery was one of 36 women and girls who boxed that night at the Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing Center.

但是对于罗维利先生罪行的澄清却是他已经服完刑,于1991年被假释的时候。But that vindication would come only years after Mr. Lowery had served his sentence and was paroled in 1991.

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罗维利先生接受了一项测谎仪检测来证明他是无辜的,但警官告诉他说他在测试中失败了。Mr. Lowery took a lie detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it.

上一年,洛厄里每天晚上花3个小时举重,打沙包,和影子打拳。Lowery spent three hours a night each day of the last year lifting weights, hitting the bags and shadow-boxing.

琥珀洛维利是一个在线出版商,负责维持大型网络家庭和财经信息网站。Amber Lowery is an online publisher and is responsible for maintaining a large network of home and finance sites.

琥珀洛维利是一个在线出版商,是维持一个家庭和财务负责网站的大型网络。Amber Lowery is an online publisher and is responsible for maintaining a large network of health and beauty related sites.

老人洛厄成为在新墨西哥州的小镇酒吧激起一天,有两个期待已久被遗忘的录音带。Old Man Lowery trudges into a small-town bar in New Mexico one day looking for two audiotapes that have been long forgotten.

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“我痛恨自己”进行了坦白,罗维利先生在最近的一次接受采访的时候说。“我以为我是唯一一个这样做的的傻瓜。”“I beat myself up a lot” about having confessed, Mr. Lowery said in a recent interview. “I thought I was the only dummy who did that.”

“我们及时砍掉了毒肢,”罗沃利说,“如果我们再这样拖上4个月,6个月,可能整条船就都要掉阴沟里了。”“We cut our losses just in time, ” Lowery said. “If we tried to stay on another four, six months we would’ve brought the whole ship down.”

加勒特教授指出在审讯中泄露案件信息有时是无意的,而罗维利先生说在他的审讯过程中对于他思想的引导却是有意的。While Professor Garrett suggests that leaking facts during interrogations is sometimes unintentional, Mr. Lowery said that the contamination of his questioning was clearly intentional.