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表面光滑、多孔状的膨胀珍珠岩独一无二,非常新颖。The smooth-surfaced vesicular expanded perlite is unique and novel.

细胞核染色苍白呈空泡状,应为主要含有的是不著色的常染色质。Their nuclei are pale and vesicular containing mainly unstained euchromatin.

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支气管的呼吸声比肺气泡的呼吸声音调更响,更高。Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds.

如果皮肤非常干燥,他建议使用那些采用了被称为泡状乳剂技术的产品。If skin is very dry, he also suggests products using a technology called vesicular emulsion.

某些腺泡和胰岛细胞出现脂肪或空泡样变性。Some acinar and islet cells of fatty rat pancreatic tissue had fatty or vesicular degeneration.

学习诊断及探讨水疱及大疱皮肤病变之病因。Demonstrate ability to diagnose and discuss the etiologies of vesicular and bullous skin lesions.

叶片长圆状披针形的到倒披针形,背面在脉上的具囊状的毛。Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate , abaxial surface with vesicular hairs on the veins.

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医生说她子宫内形成的葡萄状透明水泡样胚胎是个葡萄胎。The doctor said that the grape-shaped transparent sample embryo in her womb was a vesicular mole.

分析了正常的呼吸音、干性罗音和湿性罗音波形的特点。There's also an analysis of undulate form feature of vesicular breath sounds dry rale and wet rale.

这往往以出水痘开始,或者起水疱,里面充满液体They start as what are called vesicular lesions, or like blisters, where they're filled with a fluid.

本文就国内外近年来水泡性口炎病毒的鉴别诊断技术进行了概述。The diagnosis and detection methods for Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in recent years are generally reviewed.

我们报告一对女性双胞胎在出生时身体与四肢出现广泛性的水泡分布。We present a couple of female twins with generalized vesicular eruptions over the trunk and limbs at birth.

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在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles.

在胞浆囊泡转运体系中囊泡包被复合体对于蛋白的分拣与定向转运有重要意义。In the vesicular transport system of eukaryotic cell, vesicular 'coat' is of great significance for protein sorting.

腔中不仅有泡状和管状结构,有时也有类寄主细胞质物质。There are not only tubular and vesicular structure but sometimes also some similar host cytoplasm material in the spaces.

运动可以诱发mptp缺陷型小鼠体内纹状体特别是背侧纹状体的多巴胺囊泡释放。In MPTP-lesioned mice, exercise increased evoked vesicular DA release in striatal slices, particularly in dorsal striatum.

纤毛虫是单细胞的原生动物,在进化上属于低等的真核生物,但其各细胞器之间囊泡运输系统极为完善。Ciliate, a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution, has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles.

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本文还讨论了细菌周膜断裂面上颗粒密度不同的原因及腔中管泡状结构的来源。This paper discussed the cause of distinction of the particle density and the orgin of tubular and vesicular structure in spaces.

根据本发明,我们向黏性混合物中添加新颖的、表面相对光滑、多孔状的膨胀珍珠岩。In accordance with our invention we add a novel relatively smooth-surfaced vesicular expanded perlite to the cementitious mixture.

具有透明或淡红染色胞浆,小的泡状细胞核,很象前列腺癌,但实为巨噬细胞。Transparent or light red staining cytoplasm and small vesicular nuclei, much like prostate cancer, but the essence of macrophages.