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重质,不重量。Quality, not quantity.

量大从优。Large quantity of Cong.

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要质胜于量。Not quantity but quality.

什么是最少订货量。What's the least quantity?

这个数量太长了!The quantity is toos mall !

它们是同一种物理量。They are the same quantity.

我们用它在0K和273。16K时。We have the quantity f here.

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不要单纯追求数字。Don't just go after quantity.

现在我们只看重数量。Now we only see the quantity.

这些行里怎么没有数量?These lines have no quantity?

我经历了一个矢量的量变。I experience a vector quantity.

是完全竞争产出That's the competitive quantity.

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敬辞你们需要几多数量的货物?。May Iknow the quantity you require?

质比量更重要。Quality matters more than quantity.

为什么月经量减少了?Why did menstrual quantity decrease?

当预取数量发生变化时。When the prefetch quantity is changed.

等量的意思是“同一数量”。Expressed or expressible as a quantity.

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箱况良好保质保量。Box condition good quality and quantity.

这个图书馆的藏书量处于中等。Of medium or average quantity or extent.

某一数或量的三次幂。The third power of a number or quantity.