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成功有如死亡。Success is like death.

他一心想取得成功。He was bent on success.

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夸耀某人的成功。Vaunt of one's success.

庆祝圆满成功。Celebrate every success.

失败乃胜利之母。Failure teaches success.

他举杯祝她成功。He drank success to her.

成功是一个承诺。Success is a commitment.

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他一直对我心怀嫉妒。He grudged me my success.

也许我害怕成功。Perhaps I feared success.

成功是多方面的。Success is multi-faceted.

成功在于努力。Success waits on efforts.

成功是逼出来的。We are pushed to success.

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你也可以或许想要乐成。You can even get success.

条条大路通成功。All roads lead to success.

他妒忌我们的成功。He begrudges our success.

最终手术完满成功了。Her surgery was a success.

我期待着你的成功。I anticipate your success.

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勤奋近乎讥成功。Diligence eis near success.

让我们为你的成功干一杯。Let's drink to you success.

手术是成功了。Okay,operation's a success.