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而如今它已然成了时代精神的中心。Now it's at the center of the zeitgeist.

现在,车轮真正转动起来而他们也成为时代精神的一部分”。Now that wheel is really rolling and they are part of the zeitgeist.

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它就有一件事做得好,可是现在时代思潮转向而不利于它了。It is good at one thing, and for now the zeitgeist has turned against it.

电视则像高速游艇,随时根据收视率、评论、观众俱乐部和时代潮流,自如地转变方向。TV is a speedboat, zipping and weaving in response to ratings, reviews, fan clubs and the zeitgeist.

比如,你可以说创作型歌手伍迪·盖瑟瑞的歌曲就抓住了20世纪60年代美国的时代精神。For example, you could say that the songs of singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie captured the zeitgeist of 1960s America.

尽管在本文中我们关注于Groovy,但是时代精神要求与非常受人爱戴和敬畏的Ruby进行对比。Although we will focus on Groovy in this article, the zeitgeist demands a comparison with the much loved and feared Ruby.

这样的文化理念出自一个家族则充分展示了家族文化博大精深和与时俱进的文明。And this subject comes from a culture lineage family could incarnated the venerable civilization and Zeitgeist of the family.

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整个时代都有些乐观——市场永远是好的,政府一直是坏的,这样的时代精神定义了冷战时期。An entire era had overreached—themarkets-are-always-good, government-is-always-bad zeitgeist that defined thepost–Cold War period.

但是2010年的风头则全让上海占了,为了一直持续到10月31日的世博会,城市得到了大规模的更新和装扮。But the zeitgeist of 2010 has been all about Shanghai, all decked out and refurbished for the World Expo, which runs through Oct. 31.

由时代精神在文图拉县分部的一个成员安排,我在威尼斯海滩的一个咖啡馆见到了约瑟夫。jI met with Joseph at a coffee shop in Venice Beach, as arranged by a member of the Ventura County Chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement.

张、龚的诗歌都具有浓厚的时代气息,强烈的爱国情思,深刻的批判精神。The poems of both are permeated with zeitgeist , patriotism and critical spirit, which have made great contribution to poetry writing.

弗雷斯顿的决定,终于进入几个门值得注意的是,由于他的跟踪记录作为领先指标的时代精神。Freston's decision, at long last, to enter a few of those doors is noteworthy, given his track record as a leading indicator of the zeitgeist.

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你的读者不仅有人,还有算法,你的目标不再是不朽声名,而是对涌动不止的时代潮流的瞬间洞察。Your readers include not just humans but algorithms, and your goal is not immortality but a momentary piercing of the ever-shifting zeitgeist.

他们受欢迎是因为他们抓住了九十年代台湾年轻人对于梦想、成长、孤独、爱和不满的时代特征。They are popular for capturing the zeitgeist of Twaneese youth in the 1990s which was an era of dreams, growing up, loneliness, love and disaffection.

我们融合国际流行的精彩,将德国的严谨,欧洲的简炼一一呈现,为客户全面提升办公环境的工作质素。Matsu fuses international trends with German " Zeitgeist " and European style, and we aim to improve the design and quality of our client's office environment.

这股思潮是存在的。但是我不一定非要追随这种思潮。相反,它促使我更加抵制保护主义措施的诱惑。This zeitgeist exists. But I do not have to follow the zeitgeist. On the contrary, it encourages me even more to fight the temptation of protectionist measures.

谷歌首席执行官佩奇在上个月的“时代思潮大会”上说在谷歌浏览器出生的第三个年头,其用户数量已接近1600百万。Google CEO Larry Page said at the company's Zeitgeist conference last month that Chrome has about 160 million users worldwide in just its third year of existence.

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在今年最后一个月,谷歌发布了谷歌时代思潮的报告,其中分类和整理出过去一年“人们在Google上输入的上千万的查询”。During the closing month of the year, Google releases its Google Zeitgeist report that corrals and aggregates “billions of search queries people type into Google” over the year.

“第二人生”虚拟社区名列“十大热门搜索排行”第十位,“第二人生”社区是一个数字化的虚拟世界,社区用户都有一个。Virtual world Second Life, where people represented by animated proxies interact in digitized fantasy settings, is the final social networking property in the Zeitgeist Top Ten.

但毋庸置疑的是,它捕获了当下技术精英们的时代精神。Pundits are mixed on whether Foursquare represents a major technology trend or a fad but undoubtedly it has captured the zeitgeist of the technology elite at this moment in time.