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我要买干的海苔。I need some dried seaweed.

海带豆腐汤!啊啊啊啊太好吃了!Seaweed and tofu soup! Mmmmm yum!

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一间好的海草房。This is a very good seaweed house.

请先上凉拌海蜇。Please serve marinated seaweed first.

这种物质是从海藻中提取的。This substance is extracted from seaweed.

日式的酒?那八成是海苔跟寿司做的。It's probably made with seaweed and sushi.

船被浮藻缠住了。The ship ran afoul of the floating seaweed.

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我们有酸辣汤和紫菜汤。We've got hot and sour soup and seaweed soup.

固定死的海藻出现,现在点画上。Fixed dead seaweed popping on, now stipples on.

他已经学会了弹跳过海藻群。He had learned how to bounce off a seaweed pod.

岩石下面布满了海藻。The underside of the rock was covered with seaweed.

因此,海藻类食物具有奇特的减肥功效。As a result, seaweed food with strange anti-obesity.

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上周末,我的佣人在市场上买了1包紫菜。My MIL bought 1 bag of seaweed last weekend in market.

在荞麦面上洒上海带及配以调味料伴食。Put the seaweed on top of the soba and serve with dip.

他用一种含有鱼类和海藻的混合物给植物施肥。He fed the plant a mixture containing fish and seaweed.

其他出口品包括宠物鱼、鱼翅和海草。Other exports include pet fish, shark fins, and seaweed.

你还在犹豫早饭该不该吃海草吗?Still hesitating about having some seaweed for breakfast?

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一幅关于巴哈马沙砾和水草的卫星图像。A satellite image of the sands and seaweed in the Bahamas.

提醒各位下次小心留意如果您想要烹调紫菜汤的时候!Pls alert if you want to cook your seaweed soup next time. !

加入融化了的白油,海苔,拌匀成蛋糕糊。Add in melted shortening and seaweed to become the cake batter.