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仿生学是一门新的科学。Bionics is a new science.

你就会对仿生学的重要性恍然大悟。The importance of bionics suddenly hits you.

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帮助现在正在仿生学研究努力的科学家。To help scientists currently working on bionics research.

借鉴仿生学等原理,本文提出一种新方案。In virtue of bionics and so on, a new solution are proposed.

仿生学是生物学和电子学的结合物。Bionics is a kind of marriage between biology and electronics.

描述了现代与仿生学的关系。The relations between bionics and modern garments are described.

生态建筑和仿生建筑是其中的一种解决方法。Sustainability and Bionics are two of the solutions to this problem.

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建立了两栖仿生机器蟹的单足运动控制系统。Bionics crab-liked robot's single leg control system was established.

目前,公认汽车公司正在利用触摸仿生技术制作新的假肢样件。The car company is now thought to be working on a new prototype limb with Touch Bionics.

瞎子能看见东西了,独臂神尼也能叠僧袍了。看看仿生学是怎样改变生命的!The blind can see, a one-armed woman can fold her shirts. Learn how bionics are changing lives.

2006年夏天,成功举办12场峰力数字仿生听力技术全国研讨会。In summer of 2006, 12 Phonak Digital Bionics Technology Seminars took place in China successfully.

波动仿生推进器是一种依据鱼类仿生学原理设计的新型水下推进器。The undulated biomimetic thruster is a new-style underwater thruster which is based on fish bionics.

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峰力公司一如既往地从自然界获取灵感,推动“数字仿生听觉”技术的发展。The company routinely looks to nature for inspiration—a process which Phonak calls "Digital Bionics".

利用电脑仿生仪治疗腰椎间盘突出症,临床收效良好。The prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc by computer bionics instrument favorable effect from clinic.

形成产品仿生设计系统观,为产品设计提供了新的思路和借鉴手法。It concluded system viewpoint of the product bionics design and provided the new ideal for product design.

用半转机构实现水中与陆地上的动物运动效果仿生也是可能的。It is possible to use half-rotating mechanism to realize the bionics of aquatic or terrestrial animal motion.

可以预测,该模型具有广泛的应用价值,能够推动管理仿生学的发展。We can forecast the model has widespread application value and can impetus development of management bionics.

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这是一款负离子香味器,它的设计灵感来源于蝴蝶花的仿生设计。This is a negative ion aroma dispensing device, its design inspiration comes from the bionics design of irises.

仿生学是生物学、数学和工程技术学相互渗透而结合成的一门新兴的边缘科学。Bionics is a new developing frontier science permeating and combine biology, mathematics and engineering studies.

仿拟设计可以分为仿生、仿物和仿文化设计。Imitation and simulation design consists of bionics design, object imitation design, and culture imitation design.