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他把布告揭了下来。He tore down the notice.

棘刺划破了她的皮肤。The thorns tore her skin.

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他把那张画撕成两半。He tore the picture in half.

你撕毁了我画的马!You tore up the horse i drew!

他把那张照片撕碎了。He tore the photo into pieces.

她丈夫大口大口地吃牛排。Her husband tore into a steak.

她把他的信撕成碎片。She tore his letter to shreds.

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她将信撕成碎片。She tore the letter to pieces.

我忍痛和妻子分手。I tore myself away from my wife.

她在钉子上把手指剐破了。She tore her finger on the nail.

他们又在找她演技的毛病。They tore her acting apart again.

闪电把树劈成两半。Lightning tore the tree in sunder.

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小学生们涌出校门。The pupils tore out of the school.

他用力撕包裹的封皮。He tore at the cover of the parcel.

子弹穿进了它那暴露的肉里。Rounds tore into its exposed flesh.

叹息着他撕下自己古老的鲜血淋淋的翅膀。Tore his old wings off with a sigh.

她今天早上刮破了长统袜。She tore her stockings this morning.

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他从日记里撕下了几页。He tore a few pages out of his diary.

他用了半小时匆匆写了一份演讲稿。He tore off a speech in half an hour.

她把信撕得粉碎。She tore the letter into tiny pieces.