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如果我使用DS-160表申请非移民签证,还需要其它的表格吗?When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160, are additional forms required?

这是一个为在个人特色领域工作的非移民准备的签证。This is a nonimmigrant non-immigrant visa for work in the person's area of special feespecialty.

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共有24个主要的非移民签证类别,同时有87个特定类型的非移民签证的签发。There are 24 major nonimmigrant visa categories, and 87 specific types of nonimmigrant visas issued.

华盛顿或驻当地使馆对签证颁发或拒签都不设任何数量限制。Neither Washington nor the local Embassy sets any limit to the number of nonimmigrant visas issued or refused.

与之相反,非移民签证仅允许在特定的期间内进入并且只能进行指定的活动。In contrast, nonimmigrant visas allow entry only for a limited period an only to carry out specified activities.

而在这段等待的时间里,她必须维持F-1或其他有效的非移民身份。During this waiting period, she would have to independently maintain F-1 status or other valid nonimmigrant status.

非移民类签证的申请应尽量提早开始——在您计划前往美国的60天至120天以前。You should apply for a nonimmigrant visa as early as possible — between 60 days and 120 days before you plan to travel.

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移民也可以使用临时非本国人员签证,但是通常需要申请人拥有特长技能或财力才能获得此资格。Temporary nonimmigrant visas are available but often require applicants to possess particular skills or resources to qualify.

有时候、也会有人自愿放弃其绿卡、并希望以非移民身份入境。In some instances, the applicant voluntarily wishes to relinquish his or her alien registration document and enter as a nonimmigrant.

按照美国有关签证的规定,凡是申请非移民签证的人都被事先假设为有移民倾向。In accordance with the provisions of the United States on visas, who apply for nonimmigrant visas who are assumed to be pre-immigrant tendencies.

申请签证时必须有一份录取信和美国校方寄来的非移民学生身份资格证明。You need an admission letter and a certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant student status from a U. S. school before you can apply for a visa.

巴雷罗在填写非移民签证申请表时谎称他从未因在阿根廷犯罪被拘押,并于2004年进入美国。Barreiro lied on his application for a nonimmigrant visa, saying he never had been detained for a crime in Argentina, and entered the United States in 2004.

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在历史上移民工人的平均工资所得高于非移民工人,移民的子女,即所谓的"第二代"同样如此。Historically, immigrant workers have on average earned more than nonimmigrant workers, as have the children of immigrants, the so-called “second generation.”

为了符合非移民签证的条件,您需要展示您在中国有牢固的社会和经济约束力,没有理由想要留在美国。In order to qualify for a nonimmigrant visa, you would need to show that you have strong social and economic ties to China and that you would have no reason to want to stay in the U. S.

非移民工人短暂的逗留美国,在美国只能被限制从事他们在签证上说明的原因上的活动。Nonimmigrants enter the United States for a temporary period of time, and once in the United States, are restricted to the activity or reason for which their nonimmigrant visa was issued.

哈斯金说,具有高中程度的墨西哥人在美国工作,工资所得低于非移民工人,但是比继续留在墨西哥高7倍。High school graduates from Mexico working in the United States earn less than nonimmigrant workers, but they earn eight times as much as they would if they remained in Mexico, Haskins said.

自2006年11月起,国务院要求所有非移民签证申请人使用电子签证申请表格,以便让使领馆工作人员能够注重重点工作。As of November 2006, the State Department required all nonimmigrant visa applicants to use the electronic visa application form, which allows consular staff to focus on higher-priority tasks.