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他们看见灯芯绒。They see corduroy.

这些灯心绒裤多少钱?How much are these corduroy pants?

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这使我回到灯芯绒节。Which brings me back to Corduroy Day.

纳厄姆选择了一张蓝灰色的灯芯绒丝绸地毯。Nahem chose a blue-gray corduroy silk rug.

在学校里,更合适的着装可能是斜纹粗棉布和灯芯绒长裤.。For school try denim and corduroy trousers.

他穿了件很不合身的绿色灯芯绒西装。He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit.

我都不会在意,因为我会穿灯芯绒。I won't care, because I'll be wearing corduroy.

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小熊伤心的看着母女俩走远。Corduroy watched them sadly as they walked away.

本周五的日期有史以来最像灯芯绒。Friday marks The Date That Most Resembles Corduroy.

博罗夫斯基身着一套灯芯绒西装,会拉手风琴。Borowski wears corduroy suits and plays the accordion.

他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.

最初灯心绒的标准颜色为棕色、黄褐色及橄榄色。Brown, tan and olive are the original, classic corduroy colors.

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一件自己做的灯芯绒晚礼服,全世界的评论家,无不为之倾倒。Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear.

对我而言,他的灯芯绒西服和他那特别的头发和大胡子,不知哪个看来更帅气。I don't know what's better, the corduroy jacket or that awesome hair and beard.

莉莎让小熊坐在她的膝盖上,然后自己再坐下,开始缝小熊外套上的纽扣。Lisa sat down with Corduroy on her lap and began to sew a button on his overalls.

赫特正穿着棕色灯芯棉的套装和有一排扣子的紧身夹克衫,戴着一副无框眼镜。Hurt is wearing a brown corduroy suit with a button-up blouson jacket, and rimless specs.

“这一定是宫殿,我可是一直想住在宫殿里呢!”小熊喘息道。"This must be a palace!"Corduroy gasped."I guess I've always wanted to live in a palace."

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贵方所订薄花呢包装将采用双幅卷板,外包牛皮纸,然后装木箱。Corduroy is usually made up full width rolled on tube and then wrapped in polythene sheets.

我们要采购楞条花布和天鹅绒织物,毛毯,床单,羊毛织物,棉花织物。We want to buy Corduroy and Velvet Fabrics, Blankets, Bedspreads , Wool Fabrics, Cotton Fabrics.

我喜欢这个灯芯绒圆形包的颜色,虽然白的很容易脏,但是可以是人增色不少。I like the color of this corduroy roll bag. White gets dirty easily, but it will brighten up your look.