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害怕垂死。Of dying.

农作物濒临干死。CROPS are dying.

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我浑如见你。Im dying to see you.

表示现在我想死你了。I am dying to see you.

我很想喝杯水。I'm dying for a drink.

我真想换口味。I'm dying for a change.

啊,笑死我啦!Oh,I'm dying of laughing.

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去生活较要冒死的风险。To live is to risk dying.

他的朋友,也命在旦夕。His friend, too, was dying.

死亡或复苏?P3, Dying or Resuscitating?

你为死亡感到忧虑吗You're worried about dying?

他并不知道他自己会死He wasn't planning on dying.

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但我尚未进入垂死阶段。I’m not into dying just yet.

一个灰衣女孩,骑着奄奄一息的马。A grey girl on a dying horse.

好吧,她值得我们去送死吗?。Well, is she worth dying for?

他知道自己将不久于人世。And he knew that he was dying.

因为,海斯特,我是个要死的人了。For, Hester, I am a dying man.

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最近开始死人了。Recently people started dying.

那就别再说什么死亡了。Then stop talking about dying.

你知道那条鱼快死了吗?Do you know that fish is dying?