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或者换句话说,与这两个计划的工具性观念将偏低。In other words, with both these schemes instrumentality perceptions will be low.

沈从文使艺术的工具性与审美性得到了完美的结合。The instrumentality and aesthetics of art is perfectly integrated by Shen Congwen.

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公共行政权力兼具公共性与工具性。Publicity and instrumentality are both the attributes of public administration power.

技术在人们的认知和实践中一直是控制自然的手段。Technology is always the instrumentality to control nature in humankind's cognition and practice.

等离子体技术以其非常规的手段运用到化工中,给整个化工带来了新的生机。Plasma technology is an abnormal instrumentality for chemical engineering and brings new vital force.

合法化的建筑物是建筑在语言和使用语言为其首要的手段。The edifice of legitimations is built upon language and uses language as its principal instrumentality.

除具有作品的一般特征之外,软件还具有高度的技术性、工具性等特征。It has the considerable characters of technology and instrumentality besides common characters of works.

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在介绍了改革主要是通过媒介的大教堂洛朗贝纳尔,并迅速蔓延法国。The reform was introduced mainly through the instrumentality of Dom Laurent Bénard and quickly spread through France.

远程教育是教育体系的重要组成部分,是实现全民教育和终身学习的不可缺少的教育手段。Distance learning is a important part of education system, it is a necessary instrumentality for civil and life education.

语文作为一门工具性与人文性相统一的学科,肩负着对学生进行人文教育的使命。As a unified subject of instrumentality and humanity, Chinese shoulders the mission of humanistic education to the students.

如果行政权背离这一目标,必须运用包括诉讼在内的手段予以救济。If the administrative power deviates from this target, it must be remedied through the instrumentality of litigation included.

对现代文明的最致命的和最富有败坏性的独一无二的工具很可能要数汽车了。It is probable that the most deadly and the most demoralizing single instrumentality of present-day civilization is the automobile.

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对在最佳反应条件下合成的聚丙烯酰胺,进行了分子量、溶解性、FT-IR、SEM等测试。PAM synthesized under the optimal reaction condition was examined by the instrumentality of the molecular, water-solubility, FT-IR, SEM.

远程认证技术提供了一种对终端平台运行环境、配置进行可信评估的手段。Remote attestation technology provides us a instrumentality to attest the running environment and the configuration of a remote platform.

结果显示,在沥青路面施工过程中,红外热像仪是一种直观有效的检测工具。The results indicate that infrared thermographic imaging is a visual and effective instrumentality of temperature monitoring in HMA paving.

网络本身的工具性、虚拟性特征是产生网络道德问题的客观原因。The instrumentality and virtualization which are the characteristics of the internet are the object reasons of the internet moral problems' tuning-up.

阅读是人类社会生活的一项重要活动,是人类汲取知识的主要手段和认识世界的重要途径。Reading is an important activity in human social life. It is man's main instrumentality to derive knowledge and significant approach to know the world.

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从中国的文人画到日本的浮世绘,从浪漫主义到达达,艺术的不同表现方式被看作是一种向公众进行观念教育的媒介。From Chinese literati painting to Japanese Yamato-e, from romanticism to Dadaism, different forms of art serve as the instrumentality to educate the public.

平面广告作为大众和商品的媒介,对广告注入的情感越强烈,消费者的购买行为就越容易产生。Through the public instrumentality of Pop-art design, sensibility has been putting more into advertising, so it's seamier to bring porches actions to consumers.

高空平台通信系统可与卫星和地面通信系统互补,是实现宽带无线通信的一种重要手段。Stratospheric HAPS is a key instrumentality for broadband wireless communication, as it could complement and cooperate with satellite and terrestrial communications.