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这里是CNN即时新闻。This is CNN breaking news.

周一,马林斯接受了CNN采访。Mullins spoke to CNN Monday.

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CNN广播新闻,我是李·格灵。CNN Radio News, I'm Lee Gehring.

CNN在报道时引用北村医生的话说。Kitamura is quoted by CNN as saying.

这一长达一个小时的访谈节目是由美国有线电视新闻网播出的。The hour-long interview airs on CNN.

我们还会在CNN做一些特别的节目。We’re going to do specials here on CNN.

美国各大电视网会出重金尝试聘用她们。CNN and FoxNews will be trying to hire them.

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实际上,他的大多数时间都花在浏览CNN网站上。He actually spent most of his time on CNN. com.

我是托尼·安德拉斯,这里是今日CNN广播新闻。I'm Tony Andras and this is CNN Radio News day.

“跳舞会使你活的更愉快,”她在CNN采访时说。"Dancing helps you live better, " she told CNN.

CNN也确认该导弹是“泡泡纱”。CNN also identified the missile as a Seersucker.

如果他有机会,一定会所有的对手都超级下流无耻地辱骂一遍。He would CNN all the rivalries if he had a chance.

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据有线电视新闻网下属的KMOV报道,大约有50人受伤。About 50 people were hurt, CNN affiliate KMOV reported.

这是CNN建造的救生舱的复制品。This is a replica of the rescue capsule that CNN built.

CNN电视频道将继续使用美联社的资讯内容。CNN the television network will continue to use The A.P.

我是卡尔·阿祖兹,欢迎来到新的一周的CNN学生新闻。I'm Carl Azuz, welcome to a new week of CNN student news.

去年,CNN宣称退订路透社的资讯服务。Last year CNN said it was dropping Reuters’ wire service.

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学生还可以去MTV、CNN,还有迪斯尼乐园实习。Students have also interned at MTV, CNN and Disney World.

嗨,大家好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹,这里是CNN学生新闻。Hi, everyone, I'm Carl Azuz, and this is CNN Student news.

"可能2/3的CEO在挣扎"Tappin告诉CNN.""Probably two thirds of CEOs are struggling, " Tappin told CNN.