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但这里最吸引人的,其实是两条水泥地的旱地无舵雪橇赛道,一条专业级,一条初学者用。But the main attraction is two concrete luge tracks, one for beginners.

小型撬运动员把他们的背靠在雪橇上通过冰刀来滑行比赛。Luge athletes race by lying on their backs on sleds with steel runners.

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从山地自行车,到攀岩和街头雪橇,我们什么项目都有。We have everything from mountain biking, to rock climbing to street luge.

尽管如此,赛道还是作了几处调整,无舵雪橇比赛也如期举行。Still, several adjustments were made and the luge competition went on as planned.

无舵雪橇在奥运会上被普遍认为是最危险的运动。Luge has the reputation of being one of the most dangerous sports in the Olympics.

滑板的比赛者坐在溜冰板上一个接一个地从斜坡上滑下,这就是旱地雪橇的雏型。Street luge began with skateboarders racing one another downhill while sitting on their boards.

布鲁诺Banani在世界的雪橇在奥伯霍夫世界杯资格赛德国汤加1月15日坠毁。Bruno Banani of Tonga crashes during the qualification race for the luge World Cup in Oberhof, Germany January 15.

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刘慧卿斯威尼崩溃的美国雪橇世界杯期间在Oberhof,德国2011年1月16日的比赛在冰通道。Emily Sweeney of the US crashes in the ice channel during the luge World Cup race in Oberhof, Germany January 16, 2011.

现代冬奥会项目包括雪车、冰壶、冰球、雪橇、滑冰、滑雪、跳台滑雪和单板滑雪等。Sports included in the Winter Olympics nowadays include bobsled, curling, ice hockey, luge , skating, skiing, ski jumping, and snowboarding.

雪橇运动员坐在装有轮子的雪橇背上进行比赛,当他们行驶在冰道上时,他们通过脚来控制雪橇的速度。Luge athletes race by lying on their backs on sleds with steel runners. The athletes control the sleds with their feet as they speed down a track covered with ice.

先前法拉力车队一直为参加冬季奥运会的意大利运动提供技术帮助,尤其是在雪橇和滑雪项目。The Formula One team and commercial car maker will predominantly offer technical help to Italians competing in Winter Olympic pursuits such as bobsleigh and the luge.

大卫德国默勒竞争02月13日,2010年在加拿大Whistler在关于2010年冬季的一天,在惠斯勒奥运会滑动中心2无舵雪橇男子单打。David Moeller of Germany competes during the Luge Men's Singles on day 2 of the 2010 Winter Olympics at Whistler Sliding Centre on February 13, 2010 in Whistler, Canada.

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日,在温哥华冬奥会上,拉脱维亚选手赛斯兄弟赢得雪橇双人赛银牌。Andris Sics and Juris Sics, Latvia, winning the silver medal during the Luge Doubles Final at Whistler Sliding Centre, Whistler, during the Vancouver Winter Olympics. 17th February 2010.

接下来,开幕典礼前没多久,一位来自乔治亚的雪橇选手在练习时不幸意外身亡,也引起各界质疑冰道的安全性并迫使官方单位修改赛道。Then, shortly before the opening ceremony, a luger from Georgia was killed on a training run, leading to questions about the luge track's safety and forcing officials to modify the course.