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你根本就不会体谅人。You're inconsiderate.

他常常不体谅他的家人He’s often inconsiderate to his family.

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有时,我并不会考虑那么周到并且自私。I’m inconsiderate and selfish sometimes.

你怎麽能这样不顾别人呢?。How could you have been so inconsiderate ?

你怎么如此不替别人着想?那是不对的!How dare you be so inconsiderate? That's wrong!

于是,我们变得贪婪,吝啬,和强人所难。Thus we become greedy, stingy, and inconsiderate.

我不明白为什么我嫁给了这么一个不体贴的男人。I don‘t know why I married such an inconsiderate man.

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我也相信那些炫耀他们裸体的人是自私的不体谅人的。I also believe those who flaunt their nudity are inconsiderate and selfish.

这样的人通常会给人留下以自我为中心、不替他人着想的印象。Such people often give the impression of being self-centered and inconsiderate.

这样癿人通常会给人留下以自我为中心、丌替他人着想癿印象。Such people often give the impression of being self- centered and inconsiderate.

他很不体贴地出生在二月初。And he was inconsiderate of enough to have been born in the beginning of February.

正如我们在第10章中讨论的,不体贴的软件总是问许多烦人的问题。As discussed in Chapter 10, inconsiderate products ask lots of annoying questions.

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如果你在邮件中吊儿郎当,那么人们就会认为你是这样的人。If you are inconsiderate in your email, that's what people will remember about you.

我记得当时不合时宜的想法,“这些想干掉我们的人多么考虑不周。I remember thinking, irrationally, ‘How inconsiderate of these people to want to kill us.

我当然是说你!我在这儿等了一个小时了,你这个不顾别人的傻瓜!Of course I am talking about you. I've been waiting here for an hour, you inconsiderate jerk!

我会试图把这些事不放在心上,但是很不幸的是生活中有太多不为他人着想的人。I try to brush these things off, but it’s unfortunate that so many people are so inconsiderate.

我想她们一定觉得自己做的很好,并没有想到自己没有顾虑到他人。I think they think they’re being perfectly fine, and don’t think of themselves as inconsiderate.

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这是不顾及他人的一代人,根本不知道人们要多么努力的工作才能赚到生计。It's a generation of inconsiderate little twit whohave no clue how hard people have to work to earn living.

我肯定他每天都重复这种粗鲁无礼的行为,而他完全不知道,某个位高权重的人物可能已经把他的行径看在眼里。I bet he repeats this rude, inconsiderate behavior every day and he was clueless that somebody important might be watching.

有许多对着手提电话高声谈论的人仅仅是为了炫耀自己,这些毫不顾及旁人感受的人得不到任何惩罚是件令人厌憎的事情。MANY of those who talk loudly into their mobile phones are just inconsiderate show-offs for whom no punishment is too evil.