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一名男子发疯似的用各种枪支乱射。A man went berserk with an arsenal of guns.

它看起来就像疯狂的真菌感染。It looked like a fungal infection gone berserk.

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不。你说的时限我们称作“狂暴”时限。No. The timer you're referring to is what we call a "Berserk" timer.

该词来源于古代斯堪的纳维亚语,本意用来指代维京战士。Berserk refers to an Old Norse word used to describe the Viking warriors.

这天,研究所里的智能电脑突然异变暴走。One day, the main computer of the research became malicious and went berserk.

我们只会在这种时限中使用“狂暴”这个词。We try not to use the "Berserk" term for nothing else but these kinds of timers.

其间,一名约旦士兵疯狂杀死了七名以色列学童。During the same period, a Jordanian soldier had gone berserk and killed seven Israeli schoolchildren.

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估计当高盛公布自己2009年的奖金规模时,美国国会和媒体又会气得抓狂。The U. S. Congress and the media will go berserk when Goldman announces the size of its 2009 bonus ool.

估计当高盛公布自己2009年的奖金规模时,美国国会和媒体又会气得抓狂。The U.S. Congress and the media will go berserk when Goldman announces the size of its 2009 bonus pool.

当工人学会用法律保护自己,那么那些拿着枪的老板在发飙之前总会三思一下的。When employees are armed with legal knowledge, a gun-toting boss will think twice before going berserk.

估计当高盛公布本人2009年的奖金规模时,美国国会和媒体又会气得捕狂。The U. S. Congress and the media will go berserk when Goldman announces the size of its 2009 bonus pool.

要使用他们的装备,至少要有一个队伍成员知道如何适应狂战士科技。To be able to use their equipment, at least one team member must know how to adapt Berserk technologies.

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他们把自己的儿子带到普林斯顿,一个明显是党校的地方,Judy在那里吃了几瓶什么东西,不慎得了狂暴症。They take their son away to Princeton, apparently a party school, where Judy eats some pot and goes berserk.

“当他看到他的他的兄弟被捕,他就陷入了疯狂,于是开枪射击,”他说。"When he saw his brother getting accosted by the policemen, he went berserk and he started firing," he said.

当他从报纸上得知她曾与他的朋友彼得·劳福德一起喝酒时怒火中烧。He went berserk when he found out from a gossip column that she’d had a drink with his friend Peter ­Lawford.

“当他看到他的他的兄弟被捕,他就陷入了疯狂,于是开枪射击,”他说。"When he saw his brother getting accosted by the policemen, he went berserk and he started firing, " he said.

这棵毛茸茸的疯草是一种美丽的毒草,它在秋天开花,牲畜吃了它有毒的叶子就会发疯而死掉。A pretty poison, woolly locoweed, flowering during autumn, can make cattle that eat its toxic leaves go berserk and die.

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在奥地利驻地,意大利队的训练途中,卡萨诺突然变得狂暴起来,他对切里尼一次正常的铲球反应十分强烈。Cassano went berserk during the Azzurri's training session in Austria, reacting furiously to a fair tackle from Chiellini.

当泰泽发现“养母”的皮毛被挂在狩猎营地的中央时,这个孩子狂暴的袭向偷猎者。Discovering her skin hanging in the middle of their hunting camp, the boy went berserk and attacked the three Nagas with hands, teeth and rocks.

对于“专为捕猎,追踪和虐杀人类而设计”的机器人,以及假如这些机器人落入邪道之手、或者这些机器人本身失控狂暴化时将发生的事情,他表示并不乐观。He is less sanguine about the robots that are “specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans” and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk.