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这项平定行动不断的加剧。These pacification operations continue to grow.

其目的是宗教安抚的波西米亚。Its object was the religious pacification of Bohemia.

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但是随这些大规模杀灭同时到来的也有总体和平的大趋势。But these mass killings ran counter to a general trend of pacification.

靖卫团是一种反革命的地方武装。Pacification Guards were a kind of local counter-revolutionary armed force.

到目前为止,他们已经设置了12处维和单位,覆盖了35个社区。So far, they have installed 12 pacification units, covering 35 communities.

经过安抚的安巴在2007年成为示范省,尽管2006年还是暴乱最严重的。The pacification of Anbar, the most violent province in 2006, has been the signal success of 2007.

执行和解协议的产生和履行必然会对执行程序产生影响。The production and performance of the pacification agreement must influence the enforcement procedure.

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在对执行和解协议的效力进行分析的基础上针对现行立法提出建议。This article analyses the efficacy of the pacification agreement and make suggestions on the present law.

但是,由于双方推行缓和的目的存在巨大差异,注定了此次缓和不可避免地具有脆弱性和短暂性。However, because of the difference in the aims, this pacification was predestined to be frail and temporary.

我们绥靖行动的意义过去一贯被描写为“深得人心。”The point of our pacification operations was always described as "winning the hearts and minds" of the people.

“治国平天下”,是中国传统文化的第一主题。The administration and pacification of the states and world is the chief subject of the traditional chinese culture.

但是为知识方面这种平静所付出的代价却是牺牲掉人类心灵中的全部道德勇敢性。But the price paid for this sort of intellectual pacification , is the sacrifice of the entire moral courage of the human mind.

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正是社会党的总理盖伊·莫勒在1956年下令对阿尔及利亚的民主主义者采取“和谐”运动。It was a Socialist prime minister, Guy Mollet, who in 1956 ordered a campaign of "pacification" against Algeria's nationalists.

我们打掉靖卫团,取消这些税,获得了农民和中小商人全体的拥护。Pacification Guards and abolished these tolls, thus winning the support of all the peasants as well as of the small and middle merchants.

济南是国民党在山东省的战略要地,国民党以第二绥靖区的十万余人守备济南。Tsinan a strategic position of the kuomintang in shantung province was garrisoned by over110000men of the kuomintang2nd pacification zone.

虽然财政部做出向汽车业提供贷款的表态,但这种事后安抚根本无法阻止油价回落。Although the Ministry of Finance to provide loans to the auto industry's position, but after the pacification can not stop the decline in oil prices.

在征服与统治山西地区的过程之中,元统治者陆续建立过一些地方政权机构,其中便包括有宣慰司。During Shanxi Region under the Yuan Dynasty's conquest and reign, some local administrative institutions were established in succession, including Pacification Office.

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我国民事诉讼法对执行和解协议的效力和救济途径规定得不够完善,给司法实践造成了诸多问题。The civil procedure law of China is insufficient on the effect and relief approach of the pacification agreement, and brings out many problems about judicial practice.

目前,国外许多国家都将调解、和解等纠纷解决方式引入了行政程序,并且取得了良好的社会效果。At present, many countries abroad have drawn dispute-resolving methods of intermediation, pacification etc. into administrative procedure and achieved good social effect.

研究发现不论是日据时期的警察或是国府威权时期的警察,警察的角色都是在执行内部绥靖的工作。The study discovers that the role of the police is to enforce the internal pacification no matter when they were in Japanese colonial era or in Kuomintang authoritarian era.