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他的话总是甜言蜜语的多过于正直的。His words are always more candied than candid.

有甜果冻的馅饼,有枣仁的甜汤团。Tarts with candied jelly, sugar dumplings with dates.

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大家现在看的这幅图片是糖葫芦。We are now looking at the photo is the candied fruit.

令人回味起糖渍草莓和浸渍果香。It reminds us of candied cherries and macerated fruits.

口感成熟的柑橘,糖渍橘皮和金银花等的美味。On the palate citrus blossom, candied citrus peel & honeysuckle abound.

香气强烈,接近果脯和香辛料的气味。Its nose powerful and verging on candied fruit and spices when maturing.

所谓蜜枣,就是用枣制成的果脯。Candied date, one kind of preserved fruit, is made by date and sugar, etc.

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甜蜜柳橙|鲜橙冰霜,糖渍柳橙,香草奶冻,橄榄油蛋糕。Orange sorbet, candied orange, vanilla panacotta, panacotta, olive oil cake.

拔丝类菜肴的重要技术关键是熬糖。The important technical key for hot candied dishes is the decoction of sugar.

一款迷人的美酒,苹果、椰子、杏仁、金银花及蜜桔的芬芳十分醇郁。Lovely wine, with powerful apple, coconut, almond, honeysuckle and candied citrus notes.

顶端放带有胡桃,楔形红橘和一点羊干酪的混合绿色色拉。Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese.

香浓果仁冰淇淋,配杏仁饼干,西番莲,巧克力,蜜饯樱桃。Nutty ice cream, passion fruit coulis, chocolate and almond biscuit and candied cherries.

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我的唇儿,是真像觉悟的初恋的蓓蕾那样香甜么?Is it true that my lips are candied like the aperture bud of the aboriginal acquainted love?

这种植物的果实,其果皮常制成蜜饯并可用于糖果和水果蛋糕。The fruit of this plant, whose rind is often candied and used in confections and fruitcakes.

利用钴60—伽马射线辐照保鲜可进一步延长杏脯的保质期。Radiating candied apricot with Co60 gamma-ray could prolong its time of guaranteeing quality.

烤面包,香料,干果,甜果等味道融合在一起,饱满馥郁,如魔术般变幻莫测。Flavours of toast, soft spices, dried and candied fruit combine to a magical richness on the palate.

对于学生们追捧“糖葫芦西施”的现象,网络上也有不同的声音。For the students pursuit of "candied fruit beauty" phenomenon, the network also has different voices.

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筛入面粉混合,然后加入玉米片和果肉,拌至完全均匀。Sift the flour mixture into the butter. Then add the cornflakes and mixed candied fruit and mix well.

公司所生产的第一个医学突破性产品是山道年塔糖-一种好吃的驱虫药。The Company produces its first medical breakthrough product, candied santonin-a palatable antiparasitic.

你知道的,糖葫芦是一个很宽泛的概念,包括糖山楂、糖苹果。Tanghulu is a traditional winter snack in northern China. It consists of candied fruits on bamboo skewers.