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因此,尽管秃头,爱讽刺,他倒做了领袖。Being thus ironical and bald, he was the leader.

“当然,”他带着讽刺的傲慢厉声说道。“Of course, ” he snapped with ironical arrogance.

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隆隆作响的反讽遥笑我逐字逐句记在心里了去。With peals of distant ironical laughter at every word I have written.

现代散文中的“匕首”、“投枪”式小品文当属于杂文。The writing style of "dagger" and "throwing spear" belongs to ironical essays.

只是戏里有一幕似乎是在嘲讽杜洛埃,不过这也怪杜洛埃自己不好。Only the play produced an ironical situation, and this was due to Drouet alone.

在艺术家的批判目光中,“什么都可以卖”的断语无疑带有反讽意味。In the artist's critical perspective, the conclusion ALL FOR SALE is undoubtedly ironical.

这也引导一部份读者,将哲学家国王的提议,联想成是种挖苦。And this has led some readers to suggest that the proposal for philosophers' kings is ironical.

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他的画大多具有极强的讽刺意味,幽默感极强,估计警察看后都会忍俊不禁。His arts were ironical and so facetious that the policemen maybe can not help laughing at them.

我自己也曾经有过一个类似的具有讽刺意味的经历,故事来自于我的一场最得意的官司。I had a similar ironical experience which has the effect of taking my greatest victory from me.

但本书没有收录对这些信件的回复,因此此处展示的只是经编辑挑选的、伯林自己的讽刺独白。There are none back to him. So here is Berlin in his own ironical voice, as selected by editors.

漫画是一种讽刺的说明,这是不可取的寻找学习捷径。Thee comic is an ironical illustration that it is unadvisable to search for a shortcut to learning.

前些时日发生的两件事貌似风马不接,实在仔细想来却呈现出同样的吊诡。Two seemingly unrelated incidents that took place recently appeared equally ironical upon closer scrutiny.

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拿破仑在法布维埃报告的中间插了几句讽刺的话,好像没有他在那儿,他并不期望事情会有别样的结果。Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence.

魏晋南北朝时期,产生了篇幅短小、寓讥于谐的谐谑小说。During the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the bantering novel with humourous and ironical language came into being.

由于部队的历史及成员的逃亡身份,「蔷薇骑士连」因此一直不被军方重用。" Rosen Ritter" has not been entrusted with heavy responsibility due to its ironical history and the background of the troop members.

最后联系时代背景及作家身世分析讽刺类作品中物象与人事的关系。Finally, taking the background of the era and the writer, I analyze the relationship between the object and the person in the Ironical Fu.

他说那些话时,是否诚恳地反应其论点,或他只是故做讽刺,才使用那些宗教论调,或是宗教语言?Is he sincere in saying this, in making this point or his he somehow being ironical in his use of the religious tone ? or the religious register?

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表现宗教与情爱、灵与肉对立是其小说的情节特征,也形成一种讽刺戏剧性。The expression of conflicts between religion and love, soul and body, which is a type of ironical drama, constitutes the plot feature of Zhang's novels.

在士兵们正在欢呼雀跃的时候,库图佐夫在坐骑上俯下身子,低下了头,他的眼睛里闪烁出一种温情的、又仿佛是一种讥讽的亮光来。While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending forward in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes gleamed with a mild and, as it were, ironical light.

对于此刻他们正在体验自己未来的恐惧并不带有讽刺意味,并且要明白,他们将被要求对于他们反人类的罪行给予回答。Is it not ironical that it is they who now experience fear about their future, knowing that they will be called upon to answer for their crimes against Humanity.