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他断然否认自己有罪。He stoutly denied his guilt.

“没有一句真话,”马弗尔断然说道。"Not a word of it, " said Marvel , stoutly.

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“不,”狄克斩钉截铁地说,“我从来没有想到过她们。”No, " said Dick, stoutly , "They come not in my mind. "

犹豫不决和拖沓的工作作风是应该果断反对的。Mix shilly-shally laggard working way should fight stoutly.

荷兰和西班牙的高级官员坚决地证明了他们的观点。Senior Dutch and Spanish officials stoutly make the case for their inclusion.

“那么做只会带来麻烦,”华纳老人坚决地说。“一群小白痴。”"Nothing but trouble in that, " Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools. "

与此同时,中国政府方面也对澳大利亚媒体的报道予以了坚决否认。Meanwhile, chinese government respect also gave to the report of Australian media deny stoutly.

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他们的房子有极好的地基,即使大水没顶也能稳当地顶得住。Their house had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged.

但是杨华山坚决认为,“国康会坚持轻资产的道路。”But Yang Hua hill thinks stoutly , "Kang Huijian runs the country the road of small capital fund."

在伯尔尼神甫祭过的那两株栗树间,系着一个大秋千网,他们使劲荡了一回。They had stoutly shaken the swing attached to the two chestnut-trees celebrated by the Abbe de Bernis.

由于受到的谴责,吉布斯先生一直都强硬的表示他希望民主党人在两院中坚守。Since his chastisement Mr Gibbs has insisted stoutly that he expects the Democrats to hold on to both chambers.

看了很多大家对新版贴吧的评论和意见,我们会认真对待,坚决改正!Saw a lot of everybody be stuck to new edition comment and opinion, we can be treated seriously, correct stoutly !

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他做事有一个原则,就是即便进一百次教务处,也坚决不进一次校长室。He works have a principle, it is even if takes a Dean's office 100 times, also do not enter president room stoutly.

材料中没有任何文字记载证明外国人所说的情况符合事实,警察局长矢口否认这一指控。There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation.

材料中没有任何文字记载证明外国人所说的情况符合事实,警察局长矢口否认这一指控。There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation.

记录材料中没有什么可以表明那外国人的申诉确实有据,而警察局长又坚决否认。There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was just verified and the Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation.

闻讯赶来的彼得的家人却误以为露西是彼得的未婚妻,坚决邀请她去过圣诞节。Hear the news the fiancee that the family of coming Peter thinks Lucy is Peter by accident however, invite her to have been to christmas stoutly.

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商业法甚至还传到了英格兰,要知道,由意大利带回的罗马法就是在那里遭遇到了除大学以外领域的坚决抵制。It spread even into England where the Roman law brought back from Italy, had found favor in universities, but was stoutly resisted in the civil courts.

此外,池宇峰呼吁网游行业进行自律,不要恶性竞争,坚决不要窝里斗。In addition, chi Yufeng appeals the net parades course of study undertakes self-discipline, do not want malign competition, do not fight in the nest stoutly.

超过此标准的材料果断不用,非凡是一些油漆、人造板、材料、胶类产品果断要检测把关。The data that exceeds this level is firm need not, especially a few paint, man-made board, material, glue kind the product should detect stoutly guard a pass.