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丰胸的恢复期要多长时间?Does the convalescence of breast enhancement want how long?

他的妻子则是腰间骨折,住院疗养应该无大碍!His wife is his waist fractures , hospital convalescence should be OK!

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飞行员每年都疗养1次,我工作12年只疗养了1次。Each year, pilots at a convalescent, I work only 12 years of convalescence 1.

预防与治疗方面,则以康复性疗法为主。On the other hand, the convalescence therapy is the major method for prevention and cure.

头痛一般发生在前驱症状期和意识恢复期。Have a headache to produce advanced drive commonly semiotic period and recognizant convalescence.

目的研究银耳多糖在康复疗养中的医疗保健价值。Objective To investigate the medical health care values of Tremella Polysaccharide in the convalescence.

结论日间手术护理和康复指导适用于射频热凝靶点治疗颈椎间盘突出症手术。Conclusion The new modality of nursing care and convalescence guide is effective on RF for cervical disc herniation.

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再加上极其有限的公共基础设施,这些都将阻碍这个城市从战争和冲突中恢复过来。This, coupled with severely limited infrastructure, will hinder the city's convalescence from years of war and conflict.

因此,显示出加用中药治疗后,可以明显提高对于SARS恢复期心境障碍的疗效。The curative effect of the treatment on mood disorders in convalescence of SARS was improved after using Ciwujia Injection.

目的探讨控制源和健康行为训练对首发精神分裂症患者恢复期的影响。Objective To explore the effects of control source and health behavior training on the convalescence of first-episode schizophrenic.

结论针刺能改善患者病态心理,有希望帮助患者平稳地进入康复期。Conclusion Acupuncture could improve the patient's morbid psychology and promises to help the patients to enter the convalescence smoothly.

老年人由于骨质较为脆弱,恢复期更长,虐待老年人的后果也因此尤为严重。For older people, the consequences of maltreatment can be especially serious because their bones are more brittle and convalescence is longer.

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急性肝炎恢复期,部份病人GPT降至正常,但血清甘胆酸仍高于正常。In convalescence of acute hepatitis, the SGPT in a part patients has fallen to normal, but the serum glycocholic acid was yet higher than normal.

肌电信号的检测与分析对临床诊断以及康复医学具有重要意义。The detection and analysis of electromyographic signal is of far reaching importance for clinical diagnosis as well as for convalescence medicine.

同时注意防治感染,补充营养,恢复期应补充铁剂,防止铁缺乏。Notice prevention and cure is affected at the same time, compensatory nutrition, convalescence should complement chalybeate , prevent iron shortage.

在学校、医院和厂企提供健康服务、急救、疫苗接种和康复助理。Provide health care, first aid, immunizations and assistance in convalescence and rehabilitation in locations such as schools, hospitals, and industry.

我憧憬着能够在英国老家安静的养病,那将会多宁静和平,以至于我会忘记还有战争这事。Then I was wounded. I looked forward to a peaceful convalescence in Blighty, a restful period which would make me forget there was such a thing as War.

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此外,食物配方也经历了很多改进,以满足独特的需求,例如减轻体重或康复期的需求。Furthermore, formulations have undergone considerable modification to meet the specialist needs of, for example, body weight reduction or convalescence.

本研究目的在探讨产妇于坐月子期间透过母亲食物的提供而产生的互动行为之内涵意义。The aim of this study was to explore mother-daughter inter action as represented by provision of food during the traditional month-long postpartum convalescence.

目的以康复期出院精神分裂症患者和家属为对象,定期复诊进行家庭干预并对照研究。Objective Family intervention by periodical re-diagnosis and comparative study were conducted on schizophrenia patients in convalescence and their family members.