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是“反潜艇侦查调查委员会”的缩写形式。ASDIC is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee.

此系统为反潜评估提供了可靠的依据。This system provides the reliable foundation for antisubmarine assessment.

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在吃机家族中,反潜机是潜艇的天敌。In eats machine in the family, the antisubmarine aircraft is submarine's natural enemy.

战争期间,我曾在他的领导下研究过一项主电缆计划和反潜作战。I had worked under him during the war on a leader cable scheme and antisubmarine warfare.

进而用反潜鱼雷、深水炸弹等武器对其进行攻击。Then with weapons and so on antisubmarine torpedo, depth bomb carries on the attack to it.

这是苏联海军事实上的唯一一种反潜机。It was virtually the only aircraft that the Soviet naval aircraft used for antisubmarine warfare.

护卫舰一种轻型武装的迅速战斗舰,比驱逐舰小,常为反潜水军事行动而配有武器。A fast, lightly armed warship , smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations.

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“观测—定位—决策”组成了航空反潜作战的一个战术周期。A tactical period of the aerial antisubmarine warfare is composed of observation-location-decision.

如何对来袭鱼雷进行防御成为水面舰艇对潜防御作战的重中之重。So how to defend the surface ship against the torpedo has been the key point in antisubmarine warfare.

作战舰艇生命力是衡量舰艇作战能力的重要因素,其评估是对复杂系统的研究过程。The evolution process of the surface ships antisubmarine system and the problems existed are analyzed.

该机携带的反潜武器有水雷、炸弹、深水炸弹、负需。This machine carries the antisubmarine weapon has the sea mine, the bomb, the depth bomb, negative to need.

在现代反潜、海洋水文和资源勘测中,拖曳式声呐系统得到了越来越广泛的应用。The towed sonar system is used extensively in modern antisubmarine , ocean geologic and resources surveying.

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在辅助决策系统概念的基础上,分析了海军航空反潜决策的特点。The characteristics of naval aircraft antisubmarine were analyzed based on the concept of decision assistant system.

反潜机是装有搜索、攻击潜艇设备和武器的军用t机,它可?。The antisubmarine aircraft is loaded with the search, the attack submarine equipment and weapon military t machine, it may?

利用直升机吊放声纳对潜艇目标进行搜索,是航空反潜作战的重要环节。It's an important part of aviation antisubmarine to search submarine by using dipping sonar witch is equipped in the helicopter.

“黑鸟”分为岸基飞机、舰基飞机和水上反潜飞机三种。"the scoter" divides into the shore-based aircraft, the deck-based aircraft and the aquatic antisubmarine warfare aircraft three kinds.

高效率的反潜作战除了加速决策过程,缩短决策周期之外,还体现在选择一个最佳的决策方案中。Efficient antisubmarine warfare is embodied in selecting an optimum decision, but in speeding up the decision process and reducing the decision period.

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介绍了机载鱼雷反潜过程故障诊断系统的硬件构成和软件模块功能以及实现方法。The function and design of hardware component and software model in the trouble diagnosis system during the airborne torpedo antisubmarine are described.

引入蒙特卡罗法对吊放声纳搜潜方法进行效能评估,以概率和统计理论方法得出其搜索概率作为评定吊放声纳搜潜方法效能的指标。This paper introduces Monte Carlo method to evaluate the effect of dipping sonar searching algorithm for submarine combining with army's aviation antisubmarine.

水面舰艇的球鼻艏导流罩内装有探测水下目标的声呐装置,它是反潜作战系统的探测窗口。The sonar devices are assembled in the domes of the naval ship to detect the object under water, which are the important detection windows for antisubmarine systems.