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将动作变大,直至颧骨。Continue the movement up to the cheekbone.

他颧骨上有一块三角形的伤疤。There was a triangular scar on his cheekbone.

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此外,我延长皱纹的颧骨地区。Also, I extended wrinkles to the cheekbone areas.

她回来时,两边面颊上涂有一点淡淡的胭脂。She returned wearing a dab of rouge on each cheekbone.

福格特被打断右颧骨严重脑震荡。Voigt suffered a fractured right cheekbone and a severe concussion.

他的面颊骨有三处撕裂,他将让医生把面颊骨合起来。He's fractured his cheekbone in three places and he'll have it plated.

刷腮红按照自颧骨到眼窝的顺序。Red-cheek brush should follow the order of from the cheekbone to eyehole.

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您应该使用运动风格的镜框来增加颧骨以上的面部宽度。You should have sport styles of frames that add width above the cheekbone.

最常见的网站,这个问题是沿颧骨和脸颊。The most common site for this problem is along the cheekbone and on the cheek.

头撞到地板上,造成左颧骨擦伤,下嘴唇也有一处挫伤。His head hit the floor, his left cheekbone was scraped and his lower lip was contused.

沾拭适量胭脂,以颧骨最高处为中心,以画圆的方式往耳朵斜上、往下涂抹。Stick some rouge, cheekbone as center daub from ear to bottom of ear in the form of circle.

一种用于高颧骨整形手术的高颧骨整形颧骨凿。This is an osteotome for high cheekbone reshaping and applies to high cheekbone plastic surgery.

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假设再让我在这儿看见你,我会用小锤子敲碎你的面颊骨,然后杀了你。If I see you in here again, I will break your cheekbone with a small hammer. And then I will kill you.

他同时宣布,周中戴着面具出场的特里没有出现任何不良反应。He also announced that John Terry had suffered no ill-effects from playing in Valencia with a mask-protected fractured cheekbone.

伍德最被人铭记的比赛是在温布利1-2输给维拉,当时他忍着面颊骨折的剧痛坚持比赛。It is that campaign for which Wood is forever remembered, suffering a fractured cheekbone in that 2-1 Wembley defeat by Aston Villa.

从金正日面部的特写可以看出,他的右侧面颊似乎有一大块瘀青,这是他在报道所称2008年病倒之后才出现的。A close-up on Mr. Kim's face showed what looks like a large bruise on his right cheekbone that appeared after he reportedly fell ill in 2008.

菱形脸额骨两侧较窄,颧骨较宽,颧结节突出,下颌骨凹陷,下颏尖而长。Lozenge face frontal bone two side are narrower, zygomatic wider, cheekbone tubercle is outstanding, mandible bone caves, leave mental tip and grow.

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形体消瘦,五心烦热,颧红盗汗,口燥咽干,皮肤干燥,脉象细数。Emaciated body, burning sensation of five centers, red cheekbone and night sweating, dry mouth and pharynx, asteatosis cutis, thready and rapid pulse.

但前徙幅度限于颊骨厚度,非常有限,仅可应用于轻度舌根后气道狭窄的患者。But before, the change residence scope limited to the cheekbone thickness, is limited, only may apply after the mild root of the tongue gas channel narrow patient.

将两手掌覆盖在眼睛上,手指覆盖前额,手掌末端轻轻放在颧骨上。Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone.