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约翰娜来自德国。Johanna is from Germany.

约翰娜被列入参赛的名单。Johanna was down for the competition.

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她还是下列书籍的作者。Johanna is the author of several books

约翰娜从书包里取出一本小书给她妈妈看。Johanna took a little book from her schoolbag to show to her mother.

约翰娜已经能够把这些材料和纹理恢复生机。Johanna has been able to bring these materials and textures back to life.

约翰娜和丹尼尔以前的学校是老师换教室去上课。Johanna and Daniel come from schools where the teachers change classrooms.

答案也许要看你从事的行业。The answer may depend on what industry you work in, says Johanna Waterous.

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答案也许要看你从事的行业。Theanswer may depend on what industry you work in, says Johanna Waterous.“You

就算有一个想往上爬,其它的也会把它拽下来。If one of them tries to crawl up the side, the rest will pull it back down." Johanna Tuckman

有时幻想有那么一天,罗比和约翰娜会这样问卧逗“妈妈,我怎样才能找到真爱?”Sometimes I imagine a little scene. Robby and Johanna ask me, "Mom, how do I find true love?"

1984年生于荷兰的阿珀尔多伦,现居阿姆斯特丹。May Johanna Heek, born in 1984, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, currently lives and works in Amsterdam.

已退休的约翰娜•甘塔勒和她的丈夫库尔特当日转搭别的航班返回欧洲。Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from northern Italy, and her husband Kurt took a flight to Europe later that day.

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在冰岛的大选中,社会民主党获胜,因此约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂会继续任职总理。The Social Democrats triumphed in Iceland's election, so Johanna Sigurdardottir will continue as prime minister.

星期五,澳大利亚泰姬伯罗在澳大利亚约翰娜海滩上冲浪竞赛争上。Taj Burrow of Australia competes in the Rip Curl Pro surfing tournament at Johanna Beach in Australia, on Friday.

这本由苏格兰艺术家约翰娜·贝斯福德创作的绘本如今是中国亚马逊的销量冠军。The coloring book, which was made by Scottish artist Johanna Basford, is now the biggest selling book on amazon. cn.

吉斯拉多蒂尔已经提议该党另一位资深成员,社会部长约翰娜·斯古达道特执政。Gisladottir has called for another senior member of her party, Johanna Sigurdardottir, the social affairs minister, to lead a new government.

Johanna讲了一个公司的故事,这个公司的销售人员很清楚他们的开发团队不需要做什么,但却向客户承诺了太多的东西。Johanna tells a story of company whose sales staff promise additional reports with understanding that this is exactly what the team doesn't need.

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在冰岛成为新一个同性恋婚姻合法化国家之后,其总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂和她身为作家的伴侣乔尼娜·莱昂斯多于周日完婚。As Iceland became the latest country to legalize same-sex marriage, Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir married her partner writer Jonina Leosdottir on Sunday.

爱因斯坦也谈论他长期从事物理工作的辛苦,在女友乔安娜·范多娃的日记中,大内容回忆爱因斯坦世界政治和个人生活的看法。While Einstein also talked about the travails of his continuing work in physics, most of Johanna Fantova's diary recalls his views on world politics and his personal life.

其他的不同呢?在美国中学,经常是学生们来换教室上课的。约翰娜和丹尼尔以前的学校是老师换教室去上课。Another difference? In American high schools, the students are usually the ones who change rooms. Johanna and Daniel come from schools where the teachers change classrooms.