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我所需的是一件刺激物。What I needed was a stimulus.

那么,经济刺激计划到底怎么了?So what happened to the stimulus?

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什么是无条件刺激?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

这里的无条件刺激是什么?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

小母猪舍不应接近刺激用的公猪。Do not house gilts near stimulus boar.

而意象则是一个较为简单的刺激方法。An easier external stimulus is imagery.

1937年这个财政刺激因素消失了。In 1937, this fiscal stimulus disappeared.

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什么是条件刺激,暴力行为。What's the conditioned stimulus? Violence.

身边都是他的条件刺激。Those are all the--his conditioned stimulus.

然而财政刺激归根结蒂只是暂时性的。But fiscal stimulus by definition is temporary.

经济刺激的结束本身就是紧缩性的。The endof the stimulus itself is contractionary.

有谁来回答一下,什么是无条件刺激?Okay. Anybody, what's the unconditioned stimulus?

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有限刺激范围的关注中心Centering of attention on a limited stimulus field

刺激计划只是在把这笔钱搬来搬去。The stimulus is just moving the same money around.

把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts.

这些新税法将成为出品的刺激政策。The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.

Hedegaard女士认为一种新的刺激因素是迫切需要的。Ms Hedegaard said a new stimulus was desperately needed.

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刺激是一条狗冲你狂吠并且露出它的牙齿。Stimulus is when a dog barks at you and bares his teeth.

素妍从少年时,刺激了幽闭恐惧症。So-yeon from juvenile when a stimulus had claustrophobia.

刺激图形由61个小六边形组成。The stimulus matrix containing 61 hexagons was generated.