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冰球被打出了争球圈。And the puck cleared out to center ice.

你们知道,冰球大概是这么大So again, you know, what hockey puck is this big?

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然后,她才发现到自己刚好摔倒在冰球上面。Then she noticed that she had fallen on top of the puck.

它看上去像一个巨大的冰球,轰鸣起来又像一个由旧车改装而成的高速汽车。It looks like a giant hockey puck and hums like a hot rod.

这次,布莱恩拿到了球,然后冲着米奇直直地滑了过去。This time Brian took the puck and skated straight at Mikey.

他一时兴起,决定把巴腾的头变成驴头。For fun, Puck decides to turn Bottom's head into a donkey's.

成果证实帕克控制地英文单词比普鲁多更多。It turned out that Puck knew more English words than Prudle knew.

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例如,冰球等圆柱状物体只需要两视图。For example, cylindrical shapes such as hockey puck can need only two.

米奇双膝跪地,在球门线前方把冰球给截住了。Mikey dropped to her knees, trapping the puck in front of the goal line.

在第三堆上面的卡片上用绿色的铅笔画一个长方形。Puck up the green pencil and draw a rectangle on the card of the third pile.

百吉饼,合理的一餐份量应该是冰球大小A bagel, a reasonable sized bagel's serving size is the size of a hockey puck.

他打到了冰球后面的冰上,对球棍承受的扭力有点太大了。He hit the ice well behind the puck and a little bit too much torque on the stick.

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帕克为里斯兰解除了有害的魔力,领着两对情人在林中兜来兜去。Puck removed the harmful charm from Lyander, and so led the lover about in the woods.

著名的厨师沃夫岗-派克曾经说,'对于我来说,飞机上是一个节食的理想地点。Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck once said, "To me, an airplane is a great place to diet."

就在她以为布莱恩要撞上自己的时候,他转了个弯儿,将冰球瞄准她双脚之间的空隙。Just when she thought Brian would hit her, he swerved, aiming the puck between her feet.

月饼的价格通常都很高,通常和冰球一样大,只不过厚一些。Often extravagantly expensive, they are about the size of a hockey puck and just as dense.

冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋。The puck is flat and slides on the ice. The hockey player move it around with his hockey stick.

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跟曲棍球一样,队员们手持曲棍,穿着溜冰鞋,但他们不用想完屈棍球一样重击,而只需要有技巧地控制球。Like hockey, the players are on skates and use sticks, yet they swat at a ball instead of a puck.

在一场比赛前,人们都会把冰球放入冰箱里冷冻,有时候一场比赛会使用30多个冰球。Players put the puck in the freezer before a game. In some games, players use more than 30 pucks.

这种混乱的局面让奥伯龙对感到很不高兴,于是命令帕克把巴腾的头变回原状,再解除泰坦尼娅的魔咒。Unhappy with the mess, Oberon orders Puck to change Bottom's head back, and lifts the spell from Titania.