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一支艾美奖获奖团队。An Emmy award-winning team.

这部戏剧赢得艾美奖的最佳节目奖。The drama won an Emmy for Best Show.

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公司由艾美奖得主拜伦沃恩斯。Founded by Emmy winner Byron Vaughns.

第59届艾美奖将于9月16日播放。The 59th Primetime Emmy Awards will air Sept. 16.

还亏得埃米总是对他很和蔼很殷勤。But Emmy had always been good and attentive to him.

她出演过47部电影。三获奥斯卡奖、一获埃米奖。She made 47 films and won three Oscars and an Emmy.

去年的艾美奖被授予了有线频道的电视节目。Last year’s Emmy awards were dominated by cable shows.

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本文作者曾获艾美电视新闻奖。The author is an Emmy Award-winning TV news correspondent.

这部电视剧于2006年获得美国电视剧艾美奖提名。The show was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in 2006.

伟基信先生,我刚从爱玛的住处回来。Mr. Wilkerson, I've just come from Emmy Slattery 's bedside.

在这个节目的第一季,哈吉斯的一个脚本赢了艾美奖。In the show’s first season, one of Haggis’s scripts won an Emmy.

作者是获得过艾美奖的前新闻记者。The author is an Emmy Award-winning TV former news correspondent.

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被提名了6次的沙拉罣·保罗森终于赢得了她的第一个艾美奖。Being ga 6-time nominee, Sarah Paulson finally won her first Emmy Awards.

另外,在去年8月,Parson获得了艾美奖喜剧类剧集最佳男主角奖。He won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series last August.

总的来说,喜剧是今年五十五届年度艾美奖的主宰。But on the whole, comedy was king at the 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.

维奥拉·戴维斯刚刚凭这番获奖感言赢得了艾美奖提名,真的太精彩了。Viola Davis just got nominated for an Emmy for that speech, it was so good.

这个角色使她受到了1999年艾米奖最佳女配角提名。Her role on the show led to a 1999 Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

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同时被改编成电视剧,并由艾玛·汤普森主演,并获得了三次艾美奖。It was also adapted into a 3-time Emmy award winning film starring Emma Thompson.

但在九月因同一部电视剧获“艾美奖”最佳演员的格威斯却在这次空手而归。But Gervais, who won the Emmy in September for that role, walked away empty handed.

基弗·萨瑟兰将重新演绎让他获得艾美奖的角色CTU探员杰克·鲍尔。Kiefer Sutherland will reprise his Emmy Award winning role as CTU Agent Jack Bauer.