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他是我们的帮助者。He is our auxiliary.

怎样更好的运用助动词?How to use auxiliary verb better ?

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有人劝我带上辅助照明设备。I was advised to take auxiliary light.

辅助措施是走出去战略。Auxiliary measure is going-out strategy.

助动词“能、会”的问题。Fifth, the problem of the auxiliary "can".

拆卸和安装辅助前照灯。Removing and installing auxiliary headlight.

第2章基于GIS的公路辅助设计。Chapter 2 GIS-based Highway Auxiliary Design.

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他还带了一个辅助的发电机。He also brought an auxiliary engine with him.

壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。Ambition and enthusiasm is great auxiliary ji.

三号辅机去年修过。No. 3 auxiliary engine was repaired last year.

血管周围的淋巴细胞主要是T辅助。Perivascular T lymphocytes are mainly auxiliary.

辅助音频信号的干流通道。Discreet stream path for auxiliary audio signals.

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因此必须创建一个辅助多维数据集和一个视图。So, an auxiliary cube and a view must be created.

辅助存储器又称外存储器。The auxiliary storage also called external storage.

配置专用试剂和辅助设备。Allocation of special reagent and auxiliary equipment.

助飞用喷气机或火箭帮助航空器起飞。An aircraft takeoffaided by an auxiliary jet or rocket.

那次袭击导致6人死亡,死者包括辅助警察队的队员。The dead included members of an auxiliary police force.

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有些化油器具有备用的燃油阀和入口。Some carburetors have an auxiliary fuel valve and inlet.

有些化油器具有备用的燃油阀和入口。Some carburetors have an auxiliary fuel valve and inlet.

针形阀用于小型辅助管线系统。They are used in various small auxiliary piping systems.