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双边地的最小膝流出物。Minimal knee effusion bilaterally.

腹水为渗出液,可见嗜酸细胞。The ascites were effusion with eosinophilia.

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中等量心包积液。Moderate amount of pericardial effusion is noted.

最后含蓄的表露像是最后判决。The final implied effusion is like a last judgment.

肺间质增厚和胸腔积液。Pleural effusion and lobular interstitium thickness.

双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。Bil SIJ and hip joint spaces are intact without joint effusion.

胸膜疾病也可能采取其他形式的胸腔“积液”。Pleural disease may also take the form of a pleural "effusion".

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心包积液指心包积存了心包液。Pericardial effusion is a collection of fluid in the pericardium.

而肋膜积水则和白蛋白、SGOT、胆红素皆无关连。The pleural effusion was not related to albumin, SGOT or bilirubin.

经过证明没有空洞,淋巴结大和胸膜渗出。No cavitation, lymphadenopathy, or pleural effusion was demonstrated.

心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus.

方法41例恶性胸腔积液患者应用力尔凡的腔内给药治疗。Methods 41 patients with malignant pleural effusion were treated by Lifein.

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有此关节疾病的马可能会或可能不会跛脚,或有关节积液。A horse with this joint problem may or may not be lame or have joint effusion.

膝关节经由穿刺,抽吸出40毫升混浊之关节液。Aspiration of knee joint effusion yielded 40 mL of turbid straw-colored fluid.

五氯酚钠中毒致胸腔积液的报道非常罕见。The report on sodium pentachlorophenol poisoning and pleural effusion is rare.

探讨胸膜活检对胸腔积液的诊断价值。To investigate the diagnostic value of pleural biopsy on the pleural effusion.

有少量胸腔积液,没有心包收缩的证据。There was a small pleural effusion and no evidence of pericardial constriction.

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目的分析胎儿胸腔积液的病因、诊断方法及治疗。Objective To study the etiology, diagnosis and therapy of fetal pleural effusion.

目的评价力尔凡治疗恶性胸腔积液的疗效及毒性。Objective To explore the treatment effects on malignant pleural effusion patients.

它也有可能为过剩的液体在一个胸腔积液,成为感染。It is also possible for the excess liquid in a pleural effusion to become infected.