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不过,这些投行也知道,投资者正失去理性。But they know investors are acting irrationally.

贪婪是人们做出不合理的冒险的次级房贷资产投资的原因。Greed is the reason why people made irrationally risky investment in subprime mortgage assets.

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简析人们非理性地拖延重要任务背后的心理因素。A brief look at the psychological factors that cause us to irrationally put off important tasks.

争执之下邓文昌想动手教训李中正,可李中正也是强词夺理。Under dispute Deng Wenchang wanted to begin lesson Li Zhongzheng but Li Zhongzheng also argue irrationally.

在最近的几周内,无论是房市还是股市,其极不合理的繁荣高价均有所回落。In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally exuberant highs.

台湾这么不理性,我们不能期望他们的代表会公正调查。The Taiwanese having acted irrationally we can no longer expect an impartial inquiry from their representatives.

选择盲目的恋爱是有意地与你所选择的伙伴创造你生命中的爱。The alternative to irrationally falling in love is to intentionally create love in your life with your chosen partner.

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佛洛依德说过,焦虑是你对一件小事的容忍的不合理的反应,就像它是条危险的蛇。Anxiety, Freud is said to have explained,is when you irrationally react to a simple stick as if it were a dangerous snake.

在任何事务,最好的似乎是用不合理的自信打击多数人,但他们正是以此来登顶的。The best in every business are likely to strike most people as irrationally confident, but that’s how they got to the top.

佛洛依德说过,焦虑是你对一件小事的容忍的不合理的反应,就像它是条危险的蛇。Anxiety, Freud is said to have explained, is when you irrationally react to a simple stick as if it were a dangerous snake.

是什么让马格纳斯患上潜水艇幽闭恐怖症,导致她失控并并产生莫名欣快感?Trapped in the claustrophobic sub, what causes Magnus to lose control of herself and act both violent and irrationally euphoric?

研究表明,如果人被迫排队,或挤在人群中等待,本来深明事理的人也会失去理智,甚至暴跳如雷。Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent.

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正正在误导着当代人缅怀的诸多教条之一便是“相疑神是竖坐于非理性的信奉战热忱之上的”。One of the great dogmas that plague modern thinking is the idea that belief in God is irrationally based only on faith and sentiment.

与之类似,如果一个人因为患有脑瘤,或者由于极度疼痛而行为反常,其所负责任也要减轻。Similarly, if someone behaves irrationally because of a brain tumor, or as a result of excruciating pain, responsibility is. diminis. ed.

这是一种非常强烈的情绪,人们只感到他们必须得到更好的对待而无视实际的状况并作出无理的举动。That's when people feel so strongly they deserve something that it blinds them to the reality of the situation, and they behave irrationally.

我能想见一位疯狂的科学家为了不可思议的发现盘尼西林或者是彻底治愈普通感冒,而毫无理性地苦苦寻找一个终极疗法。I can visualize the mad scientist irrationally pursuing an obvious dead-end only to – poof – incredibly discover penicillin or a cure for the common cold.

无碳复写纸生产企业物流过程中的集装箱的装载问题,是产品运输中的一个非常重要环节。CarDonless copy paper product loading irrationally in container is an important tache for carbonless copy paper parts chromogenic breakage during logistics transport.

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无碳复写纸生产企业物流过程中的集装箱的装载问题,是产品运输中的一个非常重要环节。Carbonless copy paper product loading irrationally in container is an important tache for carbonless copy paper parts chromogenic breakage during logistics transport.

然而,随着湍流研究的深入,人们已经逐渐意识到K41湍流理论的各方面的缺点,其中尤其明显的是,K41理论忽略了湍流的间歇特征。While along with the development of turbulence theory, the flaws of K41 theory were understood gradually, and in these flaws, the irrationally neglect of intermittency is evidently.

要么是1998,要么就是1999年,当时的美联储主席阿兰·格林斯潘决定不去捅破高科技股票的泡沫,导致股票升到了不合理的高价位,接着又跌到不合理的低价位。Then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's decision not to prick the technology bubble in 1998 or 1999 led to irrationally high stock prices, which then collapsed to irrational lows.