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回收粪便作为食物?Recycling feces for food?

尿液、汗水和粪便中不含艾滋病毒。Urine, sweat and feces in non-HIV.

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粪便落入厕所下方的桶内。Feces fall into a drum beneath the toilet.

想来猴子是唯一一种会把自己的排泄物扔来扔去的动物吗?Think monkeys are the only animals that fling their feces?

农村家庭生活垃圾和人粪尿中的氮均为高于城镇家庭。The N of human feces was the major output in family system.

在脏水和动物粪便中还有其他潜在危险。There are other dangers lurking in muddy water and animal feces.

我被狗绳拽倒在地,脸正好对着狗屎。He lunged forward in excitement and I landed face forward in the feces.

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它屁股底下的稻草上,有一枚沾着鸡屎的鸡蛋。On the straw stacked under its rear, there was an egg glued with feces.

它从猫的排泄物中排出,又到老鼠体内。And then it ends up in the cats' feces and then it ends up back in rats.

大猩猩粪便中的哺乳动物DNA暗示,这种巨猿吃肉。Mammal DNA in gorilla feces hints the big apes might eat meat after all.

有胃肠道症状跟粪便中带有过量的油?。Have gastrointestinal symptoms and bulky stools with excess fat in feces?

老鼠经过训练后能通过气味识别出感染禽流感的鸭子的粪便。Mice were trained to identify feces from bird-flu-infected ducks by smell.

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这种菌是通过在粪便中发现的芽胞进行传播的。The germ Clostridium difficile germ is spread through spores found in feces.

目的探讨尿便失禁的术后功能训练方法。Objective To investigate the training methods of urine and feces incontinence.

看自己的排泄物是其中一种最简便的能让你吐出来的方法。Looking at your own feces is one of the easiest ways to make yourself throw up.

可别在意水豚有一些不寻常的习惯,例如会吃自己的排泄物。Never mind that capybaras have some unusual habits like eating their own feces.

杆菌肽锌内服几乎不吸收,大部分在2天内随粪便排出。Oral bacitracin zinc is almost no absorption, most within 2 days with the feces.

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目的探讨芦荟对人体的通便作用。Objective To investigate the defecating feces function of aloe in the human body.

但是,与科莫多巨蜥幼蜥不同的是,薯虫的粪便对敌人来说是有毒的。Unlike baby komodos, the potato beetle's feces are actually poisonous to predators.

从健康婴儿粪便中分离出两株厌氧无芽胞杆菌,经鉴定为短双歧杆菌。Two anoxic non-spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B.