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脓胸症最常见的原因为支气管及肺部感染。The most common cause of empyema is broncho-pulmonary infection.

因肝脓疡破裂后而迅速形成脓胸的情况并不多见。Rapid formation of empyema secondary to ruptured liver abscess is rare.

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目的评估MR和CT对颅内硬膜外积脓的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate CT and MRI for the diagnosis of cranial extradural empyema.

本文报告二例应用早期开胸清创术治疗脓胸病人。This article reports two cases of empyema cured by debridement with early thoracotomy.

在肺脓疡,经皮引流可导致肋膜转移,并可能脓胸。In lung abscess, percutaneous drainage can result in pleural seeding and possibly empyema.

对临床及影像学检查诊断网膜囊积液亦有一定应用价值。It is also valuable in the clinical and imageological diagnosis of the empyema of the omental bursa.

结核性脓胸合并血胸临床少见,常严重危及患者生命。Tuberculous empyema with hemothorax is scarce in clinic, but it often does great harm to the patients.

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目的探讨胸腔闭式引流法治疗结核性脓胸的效果。Objective To explore effects of pleural space drainage plus drug infusion in treating tuberculous empyema.

这种区别很重要,因为治疗肺脓疡及脓胸有明显不同。This distinction is important because the treatment for lung abscess and empyema is significantly different.

我们提出一个罕见于阑尾切除术后的病例一肺脓疡并脓胸。We describe an unusual case of a lung abscess and empyema after an open appendectomy for a perforated appendix.

探讨胸腔闭式引流在慢性结核性脓胸治疗中的应用价值。Objective To explore the clinical effect of thoracic close drainage on the treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema.

本文4例半球间硬膜下积脓均系因耳源性感染所致。In this series, all 4 cases of interhemispheric subdural empyema Were caused by the extension from orogenic infection.

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回顾分析我们采用胸腔闭式引流治疗结核性脓胸156例的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 156 cases of chronic tuberculous empyema treated with thoracic close drainage were retrospectively analyzed.

目的观察应用改良胸腔套管针及可冲洗胸腔引流管治疗脓胸的疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluate the curative effect and safety of modified thoracic trocar and drainage tube which can be lavaged for empyema treatment.

患者是55岁男性,有酒精中毒史,在患肺脓肿时并发难治性局灶性癫痫。The patient was a 55 year old man with a history of alcoholism who had multiple refractory focal seizures in the setting of pulmonary empyema.

并对带蒂大网膜移植填塞脓腔术治疗难愈的慢性脓肿进行了探讨。The treatment of chronic refractory empyema with the pedicellatcd greater omentum transplantation inserted into pleural cavity is also discussed.

同侧的疙状较轻,但易形成脓气胸,治愈时间明显延长.需积极综合治疗。With slight symptom the identical side pneumothorax is apt to form empyema. Its treatment time is longer and need active comprehensive treatment.

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目的探索小切口胸内廓清术加吹自制水瓶治疗急性脓胸的最佳方法和疗效。Objective To investigate the best method and effect of pathway incise edge clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle on acute empyema.

然而,细菌感染传播到胸膜,并形成脓性胸膜炎,胸膜腔内脓液聚集形成脓胸。However, bacterial infections of lung can spread to the pleura to produce a purulent pleuritis. A collection of pus in the pleural space is known as empyema.

本文报告食管癌和贲门癌切除术后脓胸123例,其中限局性脓胸88例,弥漫性脓胸34例,双侧脓胸1例。Empyema occurred in 123 instances following resection of esophageal and cardiac carcinoma, local empyema in 88, diffuse empyema in 34, bilateral empyema in l.