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所以就建立这样适合的关系,重新定义与父母的关系。Let that be the redefinition of your relationship.

但是对另一些人来说,这是对于图书馆这个概念的重新定义和扩展。But for other people it's a redefinition and an expansion.

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他的答案,基于对“良序社会”的重新定义。His answer is based on a redefinition of a "well-ordered society".

该方法经常被认为是避免重新定义的最佳实践。It is frequently considered a best practice to avoid redefinition.

许多专家正在考虑重新定义人格障碍。Many experts are considering a redefinition of the personality disorder

从正面的角度解读贝姬会给我们很多人生启迪。A positive redefinition of Rebecca provides us with great enlightenment.

很好的观点,我同意“发展”的概念作为一个目标而言需要某种程度的审议,并可能需要重新定义。Good points. I agree that the concept of "growth" as a goal needs some serious scrutiny and probably redefinition.

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我已经用我的一辈子重新定义了这一部分,当我还是个孩子的时候,承袭卡曾斯的姓氏,与朋友像兄弟姐妹一样相处。I've been part of this redefinition all my life, casting cousins and friends as ersatz siblings since I was a child.

正如在简介中所建议的,模型视图的重新定义执行重新定义模型视图后,才会建立图面视图。As suggested in the introduction, drawing views created after a model view redefinition honor the redefined model view.

文中通过输出重定义方法,设计合理的控制参数,稳定了系统的零动态,并将对象逆方法应用于自动驾驶仪设计。In this paper, we used output redefinition method and design appropriate parameter to make systems zero dynamic be stable.

艺术家奥运会邀请艺术家对奥运会的精神重新思考,解释和发明。通过艺术的眼睛去看奥运。The Artists' Olympics will gather artists to put in reflection, redefinition and reinvention the spirit of the Olympic Game.

第三章分析了美日同盟重新定义的背景、原因及过程。In the third chapter, the background, reason and the process of the redefinition about the US-Japanese Alliance are analyzed.

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完成经理角色重定义的最后必须的一步是,在组织内“正式公布”。The final necessary step for completing this redefinition of the role of the manager is to “make it official” within the organization.

二阶变化包含了对组织从事生意和未来走向的重新定义。Second-order change involves a redefinition or reconceptualization of the business of the organization and the way it is to be conducted.

文化身份的重新确认,本土意识的及时觉醒成了守护中国电影文化阵地的当务之急。The redefinition of cultural identity and the timely arousal of native consciousness become the key to the guardianship of Chinese movie culture's position.

我们一直都致力于商业模型的大规模改造,技术范畴的重新定义和对市场新路径的寻找。We've never walked away from the wholesale reinvention of business models, the redefinition of technology boundaries or the pursuit of new routes to market.

这一政策变化的核心在于对自然资源的国家所有,而这也是这些国家与跨国公司发生重大冲突的原因。The central element of this redefinition has been the demand for national control of natural resources – which has produced major conflicts with multinationals.

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微生物,是食品、添加物、补充品等的新目标,带来新食品的巨大市场机会,提出营养相关的重新定义。The microbiome represents a new target for food, ingredients, and supplements, and offers vast new opportunities for novel foods and a redefinition of human nutrition.

油气藏类型的改变对调整开发井网、开采方式、产能建设都具有重要的意义。The redefinition of reservoir types is of great significance to adjustment of development well pattern, selection of recovery methods and building of production capacity.

第三篇重新定义汉字,仿照英文字,将每一个汉字分割成字元,依次定名为字头,字干,字尾,颇有利于汉字索引工作。Chapter III is the redefinition of Characters by dividing them into components and named in the order of prefix, root, and suffix for the interests of indexing Characters.