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自由并非特许证。Liberty is not licence.

这是我的驾驶执照。This is my driving licence.

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出口自动许可证号。Automatic export licence No.

她领到了驾驶执照。She took out a driving licence.

您的车牌号码是多少?。What's your licence plate number?

它就是我接下来去印钞票的执照!This is my licence to print money!

她获得了物理学结业证。She won her licence in Physics in 1893.

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软件的开源许可是什么意思?What does the open source licence mean?

他细心搜检了他们的出口允许证实。He carefully examined their export licence.

我计划去考取一个佩带水肺潜水的证书。I'm planning to get a scuba diving licence.

我们为什么要支付奥威尔的牌照费?Why should we pay the Orwellian licence fee?

需要六个月时间办理一年的营业执照。It takes six months to obtain a one-year licence.

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许可签订者的姓名和职称。Name and job title of person signing the licence.

申请者须持有效的驾驶执照。The applicant shall hold a valid driving licence.

可是,就在拿到执照的前几天,安德烈亚斯去世了。Days before the licence was granted, Andreas died.

而且商店应该需要有出售烟草的许可证。And shops should need a licence to sell cigarettes.

按你买了那一款网络版而定。Depend on what kind of network licence you purchase.

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在使用地铁,你必须阅读我们的许可协议。Before using Métro , you must read our licence agreement.

你能告诉我在哪儿办理申请进口执照吗?Can you tell me where I might apply for an import licence?

而蒙特罗现在在为取得FIFA经纪人证书努力学习。Montero is currently studying for his FIFA agent's licence.