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她和她养父生活在一起。She lived with her adoptive father.

他的义父两年前去世了。His adoptive father died 2 years ago.

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请指出混血、异父母所生或领养关系。Indicate half blood, step or adoptive relation-ships.

义父义父对我比对自己的亲生儿子还要好。My adoptive father is nicer to me than to his own son.

两个孩子似乎都对他们的养母忠心耿耿。Both children seem very loyal to their adoptive mother.

过继性回输免疫效应细胞是其中的重要方法之一。Adoptive cellular immunotherapy is one of the important approaches.

被领养的孩子在性格上就与养父母不同。Adopted children don’t resemble their adoptive parents in personality.

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莱娅追随着她养父的脚步,投身政治。Leia followed in her adoptive father's footsteps, and entered politics.

但我从来没有像这样的积极思想,我爱我的养父母。But I have never actively thought of it as such and I love my adoptive parents.

善良的老夫妇将那个流浪儿收为义子。The kind-hearted old couple adopted the street urchin to be their adoptive son.

承认一些孩子是收养的,跟收养他们的父母生活在一起。Acknowledge that some children are adopted and live with their adoptive parents.

这一研讨会对孤儿院院长和收养孩子的父母都十分有益。The conference was of benefit to orphanage directors and adoptive parents alike.

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郝京妮觉得养母牛一蓓说的有道理,人要对本人的过往担任任。Beijing hao's adoptive mother cow a bud said feel to have a point, of my past as post.

而同性恋家庭和单身养父母常被遗漏。Lesbian- and gay-parented households as well as single adoptive parents were usually left out.

收养阿伊达的家庭住在新泽西州,于是我用法语问她,你知道你的新家在新泽西的哪里吗?Ayida’s adoptive family lived in New Jersey, and I asked her, in French, if she knew what part.

养父母如果当时就知道孩子是诱拐来的,还会受到刑事指控。If adoptive parents were aware of the abductions, they are now subject to criminal prosecution.

采用的诊断方法有帕雷托截集法、雷达分析法和目标挑战模型法。Adoptive diagnosis methods contain Pareto Intercept, Radar Analysis, and Target Challenge Model.

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即使是采用相同参照系的国家,不同国家所采用的标准也是不同的。Even if, the state adopt homology frame of reference, differ states adoptive different standard.

领养家庭给琳达送来了一大束鲜花,上面有一个卡片写着“这束鲜花是你在阿肯色州的家送给你的”。The adoptive family sent Linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family".

赵杨仙养母找到金圣烈,表示如果没猜错知道书在哪里。Find Jin Shenglie Zhao Yangxian adoptive mother, said if not guess wrong know where are the books.