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最后,熟悉度。Finally, familiarity.

因为熟悉感。Because of familiarity.

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亲暱必生轻蔑。Familiarity brings contempt.

学问太多催人老。Too much familiarity breeds contempt.

不要假设你跟读者很熟络。Don't assume familiarity with the reader.

她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me.

他过分的亲暱使她不舒服。His excessive familiarity made her uncomfortable.

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熟悉法那克或西门子系统的数控编程。Familiarity with Funuc or Siemens system programming.

你让对方设定亲密的程度。You re letting the other side set the level of familiarity.

也不要假定他们对你的网站很熟悉。Nor assume that they have any familiarity with your website.

熟悉度不仅仅适用于人。By the way, the familiarity idea doesn't just work for people.

熟悉是一股喜欢的渴望和力量。Familiarity is itself a desire for liking, a force for liking.

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熟悉各种假象对避免误判是十分必要的。Familiarity with artifacts is essential to avoid misdiagnoses.

熟悉可以建立信心和限制自我怀疑感。Familiarity builds confidence and limits feelings of self-doubt.

你的近亲程度可能会模仿面试官的举止行为。Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor.

熟悉的场景使人如亲临其境,让阅读更加愉悦!I think the familiarity of the setting made reading more enjoyable!

熟悉坦陀罗可以帮助一个人去享受到生命的完整性。Familiarity with Tantra can help a person to enjoy life to the fullest.

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部门是北韩人有一个舒服的亲密一个。The department is one the North Koreans have a comfortable familiarity.

这些画面虽然寻常,却丝毫没有减弱其中蕴含的辛酸和感染力。These images lose none of their poignancy or power in this familiarity.

他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.