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啊啊,你失恋啦…Ah, ah, you brokenhearted.

你怎么这么无精打采?失恋啦。You how so in poor fettle?Brokenhearted.

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差遣我医好伤心的人。He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted.

她男朋友走后,她非常伤心。After her boyfriend left, she was brokenhearted.

天使飞走了,恶魔的心碎了。The angel flew away, the devil was brokenhearted.

他医好伤心的人,裹好他们的伤处。He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

潘小花的粉丝们要伤心了!Fans of Penny, get ready to walk the brokenhearted road!

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爱过了痛过了心碎了梦醒了该结束了。Liked the painful brokenhearted dream awaking should finish.

人为什么有的时候会特别的没有精神呢?When factitious what has is the meeting special brokenhearted ?

耶和华靠近伤心的人,拯救灵性痛悔的人。The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

经过18天的监禁,萨瓦回到美国空手和伤心。After 18 days in jail, Savoie returned to the U. S. empty-handed and brokenhearted.

祂在怜悯中向着那些心灵破碎的和所有将他们的缺乏陈明给祂的人是丰丰富富的。He is rich in mercy toward the brokenhearted and all who confess their needs to Him.

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他下定决心要把王国从令国王心碎的黑暗势力中拯救出来。He is determined to save the kingdom from the gloom that has left the king brokenhearted.

不仅没有精神压力,而且有助于培养孩子的学习爱好。Not only brokenhearted pressure, and the study interest that conduces to education child.

男孩们在新的营地游泳、爬山和扮演海盗的时候,他们的家人心碎了。While the boys swim, hike, and play pirates in their new camp, their families are brokenhearted.

本人失恋多次,每一次失恋后的作的事情都不同。Oneself brokenhearted many times, every brokenhearted empress of make of affair all dissimilarity.

第二天就是毕业典礼,也就是我和桃子约定失恋的那天。The second day is a graduation ceremony, be also me with peach engagement brokenhearted of the day.

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搜狐体育讯2008年8月18日,这是一个让众多国人震惊且心碎的日子。Sohu sports news on August 18, 2008, this is one lets the numerous people shock, and brokenhearted day.

因为他不想施恩,却逼迫困苦穷乏的,和伤心的人,要把他们治死。For he never thought of doing a kindness, but hounded to death the poor and the needy and the brokenhearted.

虽然我忧郁的目光可以让所有人为之心碎,可是高雅的精灵,怎会让你看到懦弱。Although my melancholy vision may let all people be brokenhearted for it, but the lofty demon, how will let you see spiritlessly.