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你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊与鹿一般。Eat them as you would gazelle or deer.

我像羚羊一样跑过球场,将球投出。I loped down the court like a gazelle and took a shot.

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3你的两乳好像一对小羚羊,就是母羚羊双生的。Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle.

今年二月,来自微软的研究人员就透漏了Gazelle的细节。Back in February, researches at Microsoft revealed details about Gazelle.

建立自然保护区是目前保护好黄羊最有效的手段之一。The best way of protection Mongolian gazelle is to set up natural reserve.

母狮在平原上跳跃著,紧紧地跟在惊恐的小羚羊后面。The lioness bounded across the plain, hard on the heels of a terrified gazelle.

狮子应该等到羚羊达到最大速度时再追捕它。B. The lion should chase the gazelle until the gazelle reaches its maximum velocity.

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洁净人与不洁净人都可以吃,就如吃羚羊与鹿一般。Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat it, as if it were gazelle or deer.

要救自己,入炉脱离猎户的手,如鸟脱离捕鸟人的手。Save yourself like a gazelle from the hunter, like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

书拉密女说她所爱的人年青力壮有活力,又快速敏捷有如羚羊。The Shulamite comments on her beloved's youthful vigor and swiftness , like a gazelle.

你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊与鹿一般。无论洁净人不洁净人都可以吃。Eat them as you would gazelle or deer. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat.

当你带着大提琴走路去学校时,你就像东非塞伦盖提草原上一只受伤的羚羊。When you walk to school with the cello, you're like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti, man.

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但是,随后不可思议的事情发生了。瞪羚羊卧倒在拉玛旁边,用自己的生命换取了拉玛的复活。But then, a wonderful thing happened. The gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life!

来自摩洛哥和撒哈拉沙漠的瞪羚羊因为过度捕猎而成为濒危物种。Native to Morocco and the Sahara Desert, the Mhorr gazelle is endangered due to extensive hunting.

但显然的是,人类喜爱屠杀,矫捷的鹿,奇异的瞪羚和巨大的象。But apparently man loves to kill things, the fleeting deer, the marvellous gazelle and the great elephant.

此保护区还居住著一些濒临绝种的物种,包括阿拉伯瞪羚和波班鸨。The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and houbara bustard.

我的良哪,求你等到天起凉风,日影飞去的时候,你要回转,好象羚羊或像小鹿在比特山上。Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills.

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在非洲,瞪羚每天早上醒来时,他知道自己必须跑得比最快的狮子还快,否则就会被吃掉。In Africa, the gazelle wakes up every morning, he knew to be the fastest lion Pao Debi faster, otherwise you will be eaten.

利萨代尔,傍晚的灯光,朝南的大窗户,两个身穿丝绸和服的少女,都很美,一个象羚羊。The light of evening, Lissadell, Great windows open to the south, Two girls in silk kimonos, both Beautiful, one a gazelle.

利萨代尔,傍晚的灯光,朝南的大窗户,两个身穿丝绸和服的少女,都很美,一个象羚羊。The light of evening, Lissadell, Great windows open to the south, Two girls in silk kimonos, both Beautiful, one a gazelle.