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你的脑海里会上演一整幕发怒的场景!You enact a whole scene of anger in your mind!

可是为了要完成这项立法,他必须付出代价。But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it.

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制定技术规范及标准,并组织实施。to enact and implement technical standard and criterion.

政府不久将颁布哪些环境法规呢?What environment-related laws the government will enact next?

现在该是停止关于减少税率的争辩,而是把它们付诸实施的时候了。It is time to stop arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them.

英格兰内战协会的成员将再次展现那场战争。Members of the English Civil War Society will re- enact the battle.

以此顺序的下一个是制定目标的制度的实践。And next in this order are the institutional practices that enact them.

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世纪的计算技术一言以蔽之“以人为本,变本为举”。Computing in the 21st century is all about enabling people to enact change.

颁布石油法律,以促进投资、国家统一及和解。Enact hydrocarbons law to promote investment, national unity, and reconciliation.

治安维持会的人忽视正当法律程序,出于自身的公正感来实行他们的行为。Vigilantes ignore due process of law and enact their own form of perceived justice.

首先,它可以被用来制定业务过程想象它将如何工作。First, it could be used to enact the business process to envision how it would work.

明定导师职责,协助建立社会支持系统。Enact regulations of tutor's responsibility and establish professional helping system.

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但无论业已思考过和决定了什么,行为不见得会发生效力。But behavior does not merely enact whatever has already been thought through and decided.

负责制定部机关有关规章制度并组织实施。To enact related regulations and rules for the Ministry and organize their implementation.

法律只有经其颁布之同样程序方能被修正或废除。A law should be amended or repealed only by the same procedures that were used to enact it.

法律只有经与其颁布程序同样的程序,方能被修改或废除。A law should be amended or repealed only by the same procedures that were used to enact it.

未来几周内,国会可能会启动美国史上最大的财政刺激计划。In a few weeks, Congress will likely enact the largest fiscal stimulus legislation in history.

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颁布这种法令即是违犯了比之更高的法律,后者要求待生命以平等和尊重。To enact such a law is to break a higher law that demands fairness and respect for human life.

为了公众健康利益,颁布更多的禁烟条款是正确的么?Would it be right to enact even more restrictions on smoking in the interest of public health?

女权主义忽略了我对比赛的感情,我想改变的愿望,以及我对历史的爱。Feminism neglects my passion for competition, my desire to enact change, and my love of history.