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原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made.

三叉神经瘤表现为特征性哑铃形伴岩骨尖骨质破坏。The characteristic trigeminoma appeared as dumb bell with erosion of petrous bone.

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在具有典型的临床表现时,岩尖炎的放射学改变可以是有诊断意义的。The radiographic findings of petrous apicitis in the appropriate clinical context are diagnostic.

正是原始象征思维,使原始岩画充满诗性。It was this very primitive symbolic thinking that made the primordial petrous picture full of poetry.

内耳是一个受到颞骨坚硬部分包围和保护的封闭系统。The inner ear is a closed system surrounded and protected by the petrous portion of the temporal bone.

三叉神经根增粗及功能异常,常伴岩骨、颅底骨质吸收、破坏。The roots of trigeminal nerves thickening with dysfunction and erosion of petrous bone were found in most cases.

为岩尖区锁孔-内镜手术提供相关静脉系统较为详细的显微应用解剖资料。To provide more detailed microanatomic information of venous system of the petrous apex for keyhole-endoscopic surgery.

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结果磨除三叉神经节外下方颞骨岩部尖的骨质后,三叉神经可向下、向外移动。Results Trigeminal nerve can be moved downwards and forth after drilling the apex of petrous bone lateral inferior to trigeminal ganglion.

模拟颞下经小脑幕入路观察小脑幕切开前后的显露范围及周围重要结构的解剖关系,并进行测量拍照。Before and after tentorial incision, the exposed area of petrous apex area and the important microanatomy structure surrounding was measured and photographed.

而象征性岩画俱出自新石器时代,且都属于巫术性岩画,这正可契近象征之源。However the symbolic petrous picture scriptures originated in the New Stone Age and they all belonged to magic ones which were near to the source of symbolism.

通过切除颈静脉突和迷路下骨质分别自后、外、下和上方显露颈静脉孔。The jugular foramen can be exposed after removal of the mastoid process and the petrous bone under the labyrinth superiorly and by resection of jugular process posteriorly.

结论通过CT测量可以方便、精确地计算岩矢角的大小,对于头颅复杂部位的特殊摄影,提高耳部及岩骨等病变的影像诊断具有较高的价值。Conclusion The PSA can be accurately calculated by CT measurement, it has very important value in the imaging diagnosis of ear and petrous bone diseases for the head radiography.

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电脑断层与磁振造影检查显示一致密钙化结节,内含脂髓,由岩骨内缘凸出,但未侵犯内耳听道。CT and MR imaging showed a densely calcified nodule with fatty bone marrow component protruding from the inner surface of petrous bone but not involving the internal auditory canal.

结果IPS行于颅底内面的岩下窦沟内,即由斜坡和颞骨岩部组成的岩斜裂内,形状不规则。Result IPS courses in the sulcus for inferior petrosal sinus, that was, on the intracranial surface of the petroclival fissure which was made up of the clivus and the petrous pyramid.

结果乙状窦沟、内听道孔、颈静脉孔、耳蜗、岩嵴和后半规管最后点等可作为手术标志。Results The sigmoid sinus, internal auditory porus, jugular porus, cochlea, petrous ridge and the most posterior point of the posterior semicircular canal could be markers of surgery.

以岩骨乙状窦交叉点和内淋巴囊裂作为磨除岩骨的定位标志,以减少岩骨内结构的损伤。The presigmoid petrosal intersection and fissure for endolymphatic sac should be used as landmarks for drilling petrous bone to decrease injury to internal structure of the petrous bone.

茶之口感更是令人沉醉,口含茶汤有芬芳馥郁的岩骨花香之气,轻啜一口,香气冲鼻而出。The taste of tea makes you intoxicated. Drinking a sip of tea, your mouth will be full of sweet petrous fragrance of flowers. Sipping a little, fragrance will be spilt out from your nose.

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目的确定横窦、乙状窦的体表定位,为岩骨相关手术的骨窗定位提供解剖学资料。Objective To study the body surface location of the transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus to provide the anatomic information to location of the bone window for petrous bone-associated operation.