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好吧,除了一点,潜在的一点。Well, except for one, potentially.

不过,它可能是最贵的一个。But it is potentially the priciest.

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为什么转基因食物可能会引起过敏?Why are GM foods potentially allergenic?

译作是潜在的稀有商品。Translation is a potentially scarce item.

应该是有关可再生能源方面的政策制定吧。I think, so potentially around renewable energy.

但对Google而言,这依然意味着潜在的坏消息。Still, it spells potentially bad news for Google.

这些限制可能会阻碍布拉德韦尔项目。These could potentially imperil the Bradwell project.

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如此等等,以一种潜在、无止境、无意义的倒退方式。And so on, in a potentially infinite, sterile regress.

你会获得随时随地与妹子们勾搭的能力。You gain the ability to potentially meet girls anywhere.

黄金是一种高风险、可能有危险的投机。Gold is a high-risk and potentially dangerous speculation.

这样一来,每次的社交应酬都有可能会带来收益。That way, every social interaction is potentially profitable.

“他算得上是最有潜力的证人,”Boies说。"He was the most potentially effective witness, " Boies says.

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确认你可能获得哪些认证。Identify certifications that you could potentially be earning.

如果结打得不够结实,就有可能被拉通过洞。A knot not solid enough is potentially pulled through the hold.

不合格的密封圈,卫生指标达不到保障。Potentially harmful to your health due to unqualified silicone.

不仅仅是基于地理位置的应用程序在无形中扼杀了社交的乐趣。It's not just location-based apps that are potentially killjoys.

类鼻疽是会造成致死性的感染。Melioidosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease of humans.

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未见利妥昔单抗的长期潜在毒性。No long-term toxicity potentially due to rituximab was observed.

在里海的底部存在了巨大的石油能源。Potentially huge oil fields also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.

目前正在寻找潜伏在猪体内危险的前病毒,并消灭之。The hunt is on to find any potentially dangerous pig proviruses.