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你觉得怎么样在中心公园的船屋上?What do you say the boathouse in central park?

在海鸥的栖息处的后方,是一座建于维多利亚时代的船库。Seagulls perch with a Victorian-era boathouse in the background.

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每当我和妈妈一讲不和时,我就会跑向我爸爸寻求帮助。I got to run, but everybody hangs out at the Boathouse after school.

一幢私人船屋宛如迷人的阿迪朗达克湖上的门廊。A private boathouse serves as a portal onto a picturesque Adirondack lake.

这首先是一个镜头的费尔菲尔德船屋是澳大利亚墨尔本。This first one is a shot of the Fairfield Boathouse is Melbourne, Australia.

只有一半的他小船库站著,而且他所有的所有物不见了。Only half of his little boathouse was standing, and all his belongings were gone.

室外一系列的台阶将小屋与新的船屋和海岸线连接。Outside, a series of steps connects the cabin to a new boathouse and the shoreline.

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住在一个船库里确实很普通,但如果是住在一个船型的房屋里呢?Living in a boathouse is pretty common—but living in a house that’s shaped like a boat?

在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。An old boathouse perches well above Currituck Sound at low tide in North Carolina's Outer Banks.

我们没有直接看到纳吉尼的袭击,而是通过三人组在外面透过船屋玻璃的视角看到的。We don't directly the snake attack directly, but via the Trio's point of view outside the boathouse window.

而对卡尔老师更加热情,难道忘了,细节是罪魁祸首了吗。你觉得去中央公园的船坞怎么样?。Too bad Miss Carr Doesn't remember the devil is in the details. What do you say the boathouse in central park?

纽约商业区公共船屋提供免费划独木舟及其他活动。你只要知道如何游泳即可。The New York City Downtown Public Boathouse Free kayaking and other activities are offered. You need only to know how to swim.

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在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。Photograph by David Alan Harvey An old boathouse perches well above Currituck Sound at low tide in North Carolina's Outer Banks.

他们把船停在花园尽头的船屋里。船屋装满了贵重的船,而大部分的船看起来都是没有使用的新。They left their boat by the boathouse at the end of the garden. The boathouse was full of expensive boats, which looked new and mostly unused.

这水磨石板延伸优雅地从酒吧位于泳池内沿粗糙喷出,船屋用白有色具体到卢塞恩湖。This Terrazzo plate extends gracefully from the pool bar located inside along the boathouse made of white tinted, rough jetted concrete into Lake Lucerne.