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显然,没有发出求救呼吁。Apparently, no mayday call was issued.

我希望你在救难信号上有壮观的时间。I hope you have a grand time on MayDay.

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当我们全部知道救难信号是国家的法定假日之时。As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday.

机组人员在转移航道前发出了求救信号。The crew issued a mayday call before diverting the aircraft.

台湾的摇滚乐团五月天也希望能与他们有一次中西合璧的演出呢!Taiwanese rock band Mayday was to open the shows in a mixture of East meets West.

五月天2009年全新世界巡迴演唱会即将开跑!Asias top band Mayday is kicking off 2009 with their brand new World Tour Concert.

我们也会跟踪报道一些参加灾难救援活动的人以及您所做的事情。We'd also like to track who has participated in MayDay activities and what you did.

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这就是灾难救援——一种草根力量,其目标就是拯救我们的档案。That's the purpose of MayDay – a grassroots effort whose goal is to save our archives.

沃迪和卢卡斯没有给中心任何回应,他们也没有发出“MAYDAY”的求救信号来表明他们遇难。Verdi and Lukaris answered no more calls to respond. They had sent no MAYDAY to indicate a problem.

五月天从不掩饰他们对披头四的喜爱与欣赏,披头四被他们视作对于他们理想中的摇滚乐产生了巨大影响的人。Mayday has made no secret of its admiration of the Beatles whom they cite as influencing their ideals of rock music.

劳拉伯恩斯和华丽的多丽丝五月天将在新奥尔良酒店从下午3时至下午5时参观复古的服装供应商。Laura Byrnes and the gorgeous Doris MayDay will be touring the Vintage Clothing vendors at the Orleans Hotel from 3pm to 5pm.

委内瑞拉一位民航官员说,飞机坠毁前几秒钟,飞行员发出了紧急求救信号。An official at the National Civil Aviation Institute said the pilot had radioed in a mayday signal seconds before the plane crashed.

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因为,现代历史上还没有哪架客机像法航447航班一样消失如此彻底----没有求救信号,没有目击者,甚至没有在雷达上留下任何痕迹。No other passenger jet in modern history had disappeared so completely — without a Mayday call or a witness or even a trace on radar.

一场风暴怎么会争由三名履历丰厚的飞翔员操控的当代化飞机没回患上及收回供救呼唤就坠誉,那很争博野们狐疑。Authorities were baffled by how a storm could have caused the modern plane operated by three experienced pilots to crash without sending a mayday call.

即使人在昏迷状况下,呼吸活动也仍然在进行,这款呼救器的设计就是利用人的呼吸可以不间断地发出求救信号。Even if people are in deep coma, people still breathe. This design helps people to send "help me" or "mayday" call continiously by breathing of hunan body.

本文的第二章,论述了从内战爆发后到“五一口号”提出前党的统一战线理论和政策。Second chapter of the main body of a book, theory and policy having discussed the united front bringing forward former Party from civil war outburst to "Mayday slogan".

海岸警卫队于当地时间凌晨两点收到一艘离北威尔士丽茵半岛西北方向20英里的货船发来的求救信号。The coastguard received a mayday call at 2 a.m. local time from the cargo carrier ship located 20 miles northwest of the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales, after its hull cracked.

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Walters真的担心起来,他用无线电发了呼救信号,地面接线员接到信号并自此和他一直保持联系。A clearly worried Walters used his CB radio to transmit a mayday call, which was picked up by operators on the ground who then maintained contact with him throughout the flight.

即便真的有其他船只牵涉进来,也很难解释为什么一位警觉的船长或值班人员都没有及时发现这样一艘正在靠近的集装箱船并发出求救信号。But even if another vessel was involved, it's hard to explain how an alert captain or watch stander would not have spotted an approaching container ship in time to make an adequate mayday call.