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任何套利都无法修正错误定价。No arbitrage can correct the mispricing.

从那时候套利的成功到我现在所从事的事业的成功。From there, it was arbitrage and now what I do.

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鲁宾是通过风险套利爬到公司顶端的。Mr Rubin rose to the top through risk arbitrage.

非法套汇的其他行为。and 5. other types of illegal arbitrage activities.

但同时套利行为也无疑产生了重要的价格平抑作用。At the same time arbitrage can surely smooth the price.

购买债券,并提出了9.09套利的利润在您的口袋中。Buy the bond, and put a 9.09 arbitrage profit in your pocket.

爱康在两家公司之间进行套利。Icahn bought positions in both companies as an arbitrage play.

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这些模型无情地扫荡市场的套利机会。These models remorselessly comb the markets for arbitrage opportunities.

该委员会的仲裁裁决为最终裁决,并对各方均有约束力。The arbitrage of the CIETAC shall be final A nd authorative for all parties.

这表明,如果商品领域中存在套戥机会,几乎很难防止有人不这样做。If chances exist in the goods market, it’s almost impossible to stop arbitrage.

股指期货的套利交易是一种非常值得研究的新型盈利模式。Arbitrage trading of stock-index futures is a new profitable model worth studying.

如果某个资产存在无风险的超额利润,就会产生套利行为。If an asset has riskless super profits, there is arbitrage opportunity in the market.

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阿查亚与理查森解释说,许多银行从事“管制性的套利交易”。Acharya and Richardson explain that many of the banks engaged in "regulatory arbitrage."

第一波购买行情是为了套取现货期货市场间的差价。The first wave of purchases was to arbitrage the difference between spot and futures prices.

不过这些影响对想成为套期交易商或华尔街律师的人来说可能是负面的。Although they could be bad for somebody who's tring to be an arbitrage trader or Wall Street lawyer.

作为卖压的结果,价格走低,为套期投资者带来增长的回报。The resultant selling pressure can depress prices, increasing the returns available to arbitrage investors.

本文主要研究了沪深300股指期货的期现套利与跨期套利。This thesis mainly studies future-spot arbitrage and calendar-spread arbitrage with CSI 300 stock index future.

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赔率上的差异决定体育差价交易员可获取无风险利润的多少。The difference in the odds determines the amount of risk-free profit to be made by the Sport's Arbitrage Trader.

大力发展金融衍生工具,利用金融衍生产品进行套期保值和管理风险是必然的选择。It's necessary for China to develop the financial derivates vigorously, to perform arbitrage and manage the risks.

当你财务和人脉都还不多时,要想通过社交获利也是可行的。Performing social arbitrage when your financial and relational resources are thin is actually not too big a hurdle.