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我们可以稍稍疯狂一点,即便有点像个小丑也没关系。Free to be a bit wild. Even zany.

我想早间音乐主持人是很愚蠢的。I thought morning deejays were supposed to be zany.

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有时侯一高兴就帮你清掉咖啡桌上的杂物,就尾巴一摇就搞定了!Clear off the coffee list with the single zany of the tail.

也许这是因为所有的东西故事名人做这些日子。Maybe that is because of all the zany things celebrities are doing these days.

不管卡扎菲多么滑稽古怪,卡扎菲聪明的却像只狐狸,其生命比猫多。However zany and bizarre, Gadaffi was clever as a fox and had more lives than a cat.

在日本,校园剧总是以滑稽古怪的极具特性的老师为主题。In Japan, school dramas featuring zany teachers have become a whole genre on their own.

种族和斗争滑稽对手并把他们尘8破坏性武器。Race and battle against zany opponents and turn them to dust with 8 devastating weapons.

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还有一个滑稽的奖金问题将增加5分的评分为这个问题。There is also a zany bonus question that will add 5 points to the score for that question.

尽情去感受滑稽幽默的雷曼世界,勇敢地向疯狂的兔子、格罗伯克和其他邪恶力量挑战吧!Discover the zany world of Rayman and go up against the Raving Rabbits, Globox, and many others!

ThePoint于2007年推出,由于其用户的滑稽举动而引起了全国媒体的注意。ThePoint launched in November 2007 and drew national press attention for its users' zany campaigns.

他说,叶是谁的人具有一种滑稽的想法吨,这么多,他并不总是认真对待。He said Yeh is the kind of person who has tons of zany ideas, so many that he's not always taken seriously.

从你设计的小游戏里找个点子,放进你计划的脑筋急转弯项目里。Take an idea from that zany game you were designing and put it with the brainteaser series that you had planned.

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如果你遇到了强壮、稍微有点滑稽或者精力充沛的被采访者,那么尽可能地依靠他们表达故事。If you have strong, mildly zany or energetic interviewees, then rely on them as much as possible to carry the story.

组织者收集了一系列大胆甚至古怪的设计,渲染来自越来越不宜居住世界的威胁。Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany , approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world.

你的办公室椅子是FUF牌的,而你随意的穿件印着搞笑猫的衣服就可以过活。Your office chair is a FUF and you sift through zany cat pics for a living, hence the whimsical kitty graphic tees and white-rimmed specs.

这是创纪录的一年,超过35,000的人们完成了这项课程,还有滑稽的服装和一些有趣的事情也在世界纪录中被一一打破。It was a record year with over 35, 000 runners completing the course and lots of world records broken for zany costumes and other fun things.

在和太阳进行了两年的第一轮的激烈火拼之后,湖人终于在今年迎来了没有战斗力的掘金。After tense, acrimonious playoff clashes the last two years with the Phoenix Suns, the Lakers face the zany yet non combative Denver Nuggets in the first round.

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摆脱束缚。连接所有的线条,观察古怪的拼图,逐步完成,与此同时学习到比例,对比,大小以及对称。Shapes and Symmetry. Go wild. Piece together the sticky lines and watch zany picture puzzles come to life while you learn proportion, matching, scale and symmetry.

当你持续下去时,你会最终获得一些想法,这些想法一开始看起来有些荒唐,但接着就会变成能够解决特定问题的很聪明并且唯一的方案了。When you keep at it, you'll eventually start getting ideas that seem zany at first, but then reveal themselves to be really clever, unique solutions to that specific problem.

这款智能婴儿枕是一个妈妈亲自设计了给她的孩子的。这款婴儿枕模仿了这位妈妈手和手腕的大小,重量和触感,用以在舒适感,支撑感,安全感以及孩子的发育方面帮助孩子。The Zany is an ergonomic infant pillow designed by a mum to mimic the size, weight, touch, and feel of her hand and forearm to help her baby with comfort, support, protection, and development.