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伊丽莎白打扮整齐,准备参加舞会。Elisabeth decked herself up for the dancing party.

进了撒迦利亚的家、问以利沙伯安。And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.

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伊丽莎白,只能通过墙上的缝隙呼吸外面的空气,Burkheiser说。The only air Elisabeth received was through the gaps in the wall, Burkheiser said.

伊丽莎白帮助马克逃脱,当四个仆人满足他们的杀戮的在伊娃。Elisabeth helps Mark to escape, while the four servants sate their bloodlust on Eva.

Mayer即不肯定也不否定伊丽莎白是否曾经出现在法庭上。Mayer would neither confirm nor deny whether Elisabeth had been present at the court.

迈尔-瓦德克认为末日将近,命令“伊丽莎白皇后”号和“美洲虎”号自沉。Meyer-Waldeck, thinking the end near, ordered Kaiserin Elisabeth and Jaguar scuttled.

这些日子以后,他的妻子伊利莎白怀了孕,就隐藏了五个月And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying

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这些日子以后,他的妻子伊利莎白怀了孕,就隐藏了五个月。And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying.

我读的书都被单一的,伊丽莎白艾略特等我跟所有的意见。I read all the books on being single, Elisabeth Elliott, etc. I followed all the advice.

他住在澳大利亚的102岁高龄的老母伊丽莎白•默多克现在仍然深表失望。His 102-year-old mother, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, who lives in Australia, is still dismayed.

虚妄记忆综合症的一位主要研究员伊利莎白·图斯教授,在一次访问中进行了解释Prof. Elisabeth Loftus, a leading researcher of False Memory Syndrome, explains in an interview

也许你们有人知道,伊丽莎白·库伯勒·罗斯,关于所谓的死亡五部曲的论述。Some of you may know about Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' discussion of the so-called five stages of dying.

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也许你们有人知道,伊丽莎白·库伯勒·罗斯,关于所谓的死亡五部曲的论述。Some of you may know about Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' discussion of the so-called five stages of dying.

Kepplinger表示,伊丽莎白及其母亲Rosemarie的团聚也是“令人震撼”的。The reunion between Elisabeth and her mother Rosemarie had also been "astonishing", Kepplinger said.

他告诉她,他选择伊丽莎白“因为她最像我,像我一样强壮,一样顽固。”He told her he had chosen Elisabeth "because she was most like me, as strong as me, as stubborn as me".

只是没有孩子,因为伊利莎白不生育,两个人又年纪老迈了。And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years.

在一家时装杂志社工作的自由采访记者嘉儿结识了电影明星伊莉莎伯。Claire Rocher, a freelance journalist working at a fashion magazine, meets Elisabeth Becker, a film star.

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撒迦利亚和伊丽莎白都老了,他们非常伤心,因为他们从没有孩子。Both Zacharias and Elisabeth were old folk and they were quite sad because they never had had any children.

博雅珊艺术中心于2009年1月15日在上海盛大开幕。Elisabeth de Brabant Chinese Contemporary Fine Art just had its brand opening in Shanghai on January 15, 2009.

她还说伊丽莎白在地窖中生越多的孩子,“就越让他感觉到他对她的拥有。”She added that the more children Elisabeth had given birth to in the cellar, "the more power he felt he had over her".