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在大多数情况下,这些规则已经男女皆宜。For the most part, these rules have been unisex.

在手上有已经包装好,男女皆宜的礼物万一你忘记了某一个人。Have wrapped, unisex gifts on hand in case you forget someone.

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所有这些项目是男女皆宜的,但是我不感觉象必须画项目二次。All of these items are unisex but I don't feel like drawing them twice.

我在寻找高质量的竹纤维袜子,不限性别,不同大小。Im looking for high quality bamboo socks, unisex and in different sizes.

恋情通常不会发生在离自动贩卖机或男女通用的洗手间10英尺以内的地方。Romance isn't often found within 10 feet of a vending machine and a unisex bathroom.

它中性的设计不论是与男式套装、女式毛线衫还是户外运动装都能很好地搭配。Its unisex design goes equally well with a man's suit, a lady's sweater or a jogging outfit.

饲养者们给象龟宝宝起了一个中性名字NJ,因为龟宝宝的性别还需等待小龟生长几年后才能分辨出来。Keepers will not know if it is male or female for several years so have given it the unisex name NJ.

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她的努力有了结果——手指变得污迹斑斑、双手出现了划痕,而袋子也渐渐放满了这种色黑肉厚的果子。With stained fingers and unisex t shirts to show for her efforts, the bag slowly filled with the dark, plump fruit.

它只有一个便座,而且是不分性别的,谁进去只要把门反锁上就可专用。The “rest” had only one seat and it was unisex. Both women and men could use it by locking the door from the inside.

但是目前并没有要建造更多无性别厕所的计划,因为有关部门不确定市民们是否会认可这一想法。But there are no plans yet to build more unisex toilets, as authorities are unsure whether citizens will embrace the idea.

在一间两性公用的隔间中上完厕所后,小女孩发现水池下面U形排水管中藏着一个数码摄像机。After using the unisex toilet, the girl discovered a digital video camera hidden in the U-shaped drain pipe under the sink.

这条超酷的毛巾不用打结就能穿。男女均适用,可以当成短上衣,也可以当成宽袍。This cool towel does not employ the use of any fastener. It is unisex and can be worn in either a tunic style or a toga style.

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这种设计不分性别,且能适合各种身材体型,因此它也是统一员工着装的简便途径。As the design is unisex and can accommodate to most body shapes, the jumpsuit is a simple means to create uniformity among employees.

这种男女通用的公共厕所设在男厕所和女厕所中间,设计初衷是为了缓解女厕所前排长队的问题。This unisex public toilet module, which straddles the male and female bathrooms, has been designed to ease the problem of long female queues.

两周前,这位十六岁的歌手才宣布将推出指甲油系列,而现在,已经准备好向粉丝展示他的第一支个人香水系列。Two weeks after announcing plans to launch a nail polish line, the 16-year-old singer is getting ready to debut his first unisex fragrance, My World.

如今,很多父母在给孩子取名时不再想用家族成员的名字或男女通用名,而是希望孩子的名字能够与众不同。Many parents have moved away from giving their children family or unisex names and want their youngsters to have names that stand out from the crowd.

一家斯德哥尔摩的夜场打算尝试不分男女的厕所,但是他们很快做出了改变,因为他们员工发现热情的情侣在锁起来的厕所隔间里亲热。One Stockholm nightclub also tried unisex bathrooms, but quickly had to change them after staff discovered amorous couples getting hot-and-heavy in locked stalls.

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莱万特议会在酒店的健康中心提供了多种休闲设施,提供健身室,男女皆宜的芬兰桑拿,按摩室和一个安静的。The Levante Parliament offers several relaxing facilities at the hotel's wellness center, which offers a fitness room, a unisex Finnish sauna, and a quiet massage room.

许多学校——包括哈佛,宾大和密歇根——现在都为住校的非男非女的学生提供了中性公寓和更多不分男女的浴室。Many campuses—including Harvard, Penn and Michigan—now offer gender neutral housing and more unisex bathrooms to accommodate students who don’t fall neatly into male or female categories.

阿里巴巴公司是在清新的融资用途中深深地研究了上市细节,然后熟练地从口袋里掏出一个袋子,开始采摘,她时不时地会停一下,挺挺腰,欣赏一番这熟悉的景致。Taking a deep breath of the unisex shirts, Maggie deftly took a bag from her pocket and started to pick, stopping every now and then to straighten her back and enjoy the UNDER PAD MACHINE.